Return Bianca Posada

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Sees a girl returning home
Man- the jewel of twin has returned
Bun- and she's going to be helping at the orphanage
Woman- and I hear she reads books like for fun
Woman2- no way
Joaquin- Señorita Posada
Bianca- Hola Joaquin it's really nice to see you
Woman- and she's so... natural
Sees Manolo
La Muerte- yeah that's my boy! What?
Manolo- I would like today Decatur this corrida to Miss Bianca Posada welcome home señorita
Manolo- Ven Toro Ven Toro

Bianca- bravo! Bravo!
Manolo- we don't have to kill the bull
Bianca- oh no Manolo
Manolo- adios bianca
Father- Manolo Manolo get up!
Manolo- I'm sorry papa
Father- do not make it worse by apologizing A Sanchez man never apologize Never!
Manolo- if being a bullfighter means...means killing the bull well then I'm not bullfighter
Father- No you are no Sanchez
Goes and leaves while Manolo stays
Xibalba- Victory! That's poor kid never had a chance my dear good game though
La Muerte- it's not over
Manolo- Aye Bianca 🎵when you were here before🎵 couldn't look you in the eye🎵 you're just like an angel🎵 your skin makes me cry🎵 but I'm a creep🎵 Im a weirdo🎵 what am I doing here🎵I don't belong here🎵I don't belong🎵
Bianca- oye Manolo
General- Bianca!
Xibalba- what just happened?
La Muerte- you don't know woman my love
Party of return of Bianca back
All- to Joaquin!
General- a great hero! Tomorrow bad you're jus in town for a few days if only there were something that would make you stay like a special girl eh Bianca
Bianca- Papa!
General- what? What I say?
Bianca- oh my father it's so wonderful to see you again Joaquin look at the mustache and all those medals what's this one for
Joaquin- nothing nothing nothing! What? I didn't...why don't...why don't you tell me Europa?
Bianca- I loved it such beautiful music and art and books it was wonderful
Joaquin- ah books art wonderfulness uh you should like you've learned so much Bianca I'm sure in day you are going to make a man very very very very happy and I hope that means mustache or his medals makes you very very very very happy
Bianca- oh! Is that so?
Joaquin- well yes behind every man with an amazing mustache is a beautiful woman
Bianca- oh yes and I'll cook and clean for him and be at his back and call
Joaquin- Mm-hmm that's sounds...that sounds so good that's jus sounds so good and you-you're just so pretty
Bianca- are you kidding me?
General- oh boy
Bianca- is that how you see a woman? We're really here to make men happy?
Joaquin- so I don't know
Bianca- I believe I have lost my appetite No please please stay seated I uh now if you will just excuse me I must go check on Chuy that's my pig I need to spend time with someone civilized Buenas Noches
Man- you picked yourself a feisty one
Punches his face
Man-good one Joaquin!
Hears a very weird song
Pancho- you you got what I need but you say he's just a friend but you say he's just a friend oh baby you
Chuy pushes a tiny Catus
Pepe- if you want my body and you think I'm sexy mani vamps let me know lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo
Same thing but it's a plant
Pepe- hey that's all I got man
Man- okay my turn one two one two tres cuatro!
Throws a big one
Pancho- that girl is way out of your League bro!
Man- hey let's eat

Manolo- I love you too much to leave without you loving me back I love you too much heavens my witness and this is a fact I know I belong when I sing this song there's love about love it's ours cause I love you too much I live for your touch I whisper your name night after night I love you too much there only one feeling and I know it's right I know I belong when I sing this song there love above live and it's ours cause I love you too much heavens knows your name I've been praying that I have you come here by my side without you a part of me missing just to make you my own I will fight I love you too much I love you too much heavens is my witness and this is a fact you live in my soul your heart is my goal there love above love and it's mine cause I love you there's love above love and it's yours cause I love you there love above love and it's ours if you love me as much
About kiss but she puts her finger on his lips
Bianca- did you think it was gonna be that easy?
Falls and all them fall on him and gets his guitar
Manolo- I I kind of did
Bianca- Manolo! Hold on I'm coming
Sliding downs the stairs and about to outside and sees Joaquin proposing
Bianca- Joaquin what are you doin(?
Joaquin- Bianca uh will you...will you marry me?
Girls- yes...
Joaquin- don't worry your father already said you could
Bianca- he did what?
General- oh...who else could protect us from Chakal?
Sees Manolo come in
Manolo- what did I miss?
Hides his guitar back of her
Joaquin- wait wait a sec did he propose too?
Bianca- No we're you going to?
Manolo- what?
Joaquin- well I proposed first so go fight a bull or something
Pushes him
Bianca- you two are acting like fools
Manolo- wait me too?
Man- ooh you so strong Joaquin
Joaquin- thanks I I work out a lot I love you you know that but how are you doing to protect Bianca if you can't even finish a bull?
Manolo- oh yeah? Well you would never be as a great hero as your father!

Joaquin- oh you Breyer get your finger out of my face!
Manolo- you don't point at me!
Joaquin- I'm the best pointer you ever seen! That's so stupid so childish Come at me bro
Pepe- Manolo! What? You wanted a banjo?
Joaquin- look at him he got his guitar! What are you gonna do? La Música I'm so scared
Manolo- I'm gonna teach you some manners
Joaquin- Joaquin!
Bianca- did I mention I also studied fencing?
Joaquin- fine we'll settle this later
Manolo- any time any place
Bianca- really guys?
Boy- the banditos are coming!

Chato- listen to you cowards! These are Chakals demands hand over your chickens monies bacon jars mustache wax this looks like jelly but I think it's jewelry yeah jewelry anyways if you give all this to us then maybe we won't burn your town down
Manolo- you want the town? You're gonna have to go through me?
Joaquin- hey ugly! Why don't you fight a real man with a really awesome mustache? Joaquin...!
General- thank goodness you are here!
Joaquin- here hold this and this and this oh and if if that's too heavy maybe you can just hand it to Bianca my name is Joaquin son of Captain Mondragon! Tonight the town of San Angel is under my protection prepare to be beaten
Chato- get him plomo!
Joaquin- and don't you ever come back!
Bianca- yeah! You better run away! That was incredible
Manolo- yeah you really are a hero
Joaquin- perhaps now we could possibly could continue our conversation Señorita Posada
General- Bianca it for the town without Joaquin we are at the mercy of Chakal
Bianca- so why don't you tell me about some of your medals?
Joaquin- well I got this one for delivery a baby with one hand while arm wrestling a bear with the other you know that's nothing really

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