Chapter 34 - Used For Fame

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me mister but ever since we came to America you have always been with her so I will not allow you to take her from me again this term!" Isabelle pokes his chest with her finger.

"Well she is mine, isn't she?" He smirks and my mouth drops once again. "Sorry but Ally isn't some sort of object you can possess!" Iz says to Devon and then grabs his collar, dragging him into a classroom with her. Giving me an apologetic look but I smile at her to assure her it is fine.

*-*-*Isabelle's Pov*-*-*

I just dragged Devon into an empty classroom leaving Ally alone unwanted. But this talk with Devon was needed.

I crossed my arms, "Why the sudden need to be with Ally?" I ask this with suspicion. I never trusted Devon, something about him just didn't seem right to me. And now he was definitely showing that.

"She's my girlfriend." He shoots back at me, raising his eyebrows. "Well even though, you don't seem to like her that much," I tell him the truth, that's what I felt like.

"Not like anyone likes her anyway. People only like her because Harry Styles is her brother." Devon smirks and my heart just tears apart at this information. How could he say that! So he's only with her for her brother's fame?

"So you're only with her because Harry is famous?!"

"Didn't I just say that?" Devon says with no emotion at all. What a jerk. "You- you're such a dick!" I yell at him as I slap him. But the smirk is still evident on his face, "I will get what I want, Isabelle. I always get what I want."

"This time you won't." I hear Ally's voice and she is standing in the doorway of the class room. "I should've known you were using me. I should never have trusted you." She comes over to us and Devon smiles, "You see, Ally, this is a different matter. Me and Isabelle weren't talking-"

He is cut of by her fist hitting his jaw. And I swear if the human body wasn't that strong his jaw would be shattered by the power that Ally used to hit him. His head actually swayed to the other side because of the force.

There were tears in her eyes but she wiped them away, being the strong girl she is, I really admire her. She has been through so much but still stays strong.

"Guess what Devon? I shall never like you as much as I like Louis, because even he knows better than you. At least he actually wanted me for me and not for my brother's fame and money!"

"Gosh Ally stop making a big deal out of this!" Devon yelled at her. "Big deal?! What a big deal this is! Just a normal guy saying he used me, no biggie!" Ally smirks, obviously rubbing it into his face.

"So what are you going to do about us?" He asks, and finally he sounded terrified. Good for him! "We're over." She walks out after saying this and I follow her.

"Ally! Are you okay?" I ask her and she sighs in response, "What I have learnt over the years is to not get upset over a guy who uses you." She answered and I smiled, hugging her.

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