Chapter 10

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Jennie woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and sandpaper in her mouth. She realized she was naked and had to breathe a sigh of relief to see Rosé's long, golden hair next to her. Even through her hangover, the events of the night slowly started replaying in her mind. She started to freak out about how close she and Rosé were getting. Nayeon and Irene had both accompanied her to the bar to get a new round for their table and the two had confronted her about things with Rosé. She explained what had happened that morning with Jihoo and how Rosé had come to her rescue. She tried to play it off like they were just continuing the ruse, but her two friends didn't look convinced at all. Both of them encouraged her to be open to more with the blonde. Jennie just gave them a noncommittal response and grabbed the drinks she could before hurrying back to the table. She had found Rosé and Mino having what looked like a serious discussion. She shouldn't have been surprised, Mino was a history nerd, too.

With most of her friends distracted, Jihoo had used the opportunity to come up to her and try to get into her head. He started spouting off about how her gallery will fail, and she wasn't good enough for an heir to the Parks family and Rosé would leave her soon enough. He said he would take pity on her and take her back, but the offer was only good for so long. Jennie hated that his words got into her head. There was no way she was ever going to get back with him, but she knew that Rosé did deserve better.

The blonde must have noticed and come to stand next to Jennie. She kissed the artist's cheek and whispered in her ear that Jihoo was a fucking idiot and didn't appreciate how amazing she was. She then proceeded to go on the attack, making it very clear Jihoo was not welcome and how pathetic she thought he was. Nayeon and Irene showed up with the rest of the drinks and assisted the librarian in making a complete scathing assessment of Jennie's ex. He ended up tucking his tail and running out of the bar. Irene then threatened Chanmin if he ever invited Jihoo out with them again.

The night continued with a lot of dancing, drinking, and joking around with her friends. Jennie had been amazed at just how well Rosé got along with everyone. Jennie made an effort to get to know Joy, too, she seemed like a really nice girl and her chill demeanor was something Irene definitely needed in her life. Jennie enjoyed dancing the night away with Rosé, more than she should. They ended the night, much like they ended their first night together, it just felt... more intimate.

Jennie wiped her hand and down her face, her mind a battleground. The things her mom and Jihoo said this weekend warring against her feelings for Rosé and ideas of the future. She decided what she needed to do right now was shower and take some painkillers. Maybe drink a few gallons of water, too. Looking to the other side of the bed, Rosé seemed dead to the world, so Jennie got out of bed and grabbed her robe. She found her painkillers and gulped them down with a full glass of water, then another glass of water. She started regretting the second glass when her stomach started to protest. Luckily, she was able to keep everything down. She left two pills and a glass of water next to Rosé in case the blonde woke up before Jennie got out of the shower.

Jennie ducked her head under hot water, hoping to rid herself of the remnants of the night before as well as the negative thoughts that were plaguing her mind. She was sure she was in the shower much longer than she normally was and was surprised to find Rosé still in bed. Deciding breakfast was in order, Jennie made her way to the kitchen. She groaned upon opening her fridge and finding it basically bare. They had eaten out all weekend, so Jennie hadn't even thought about groceries. She knew she had some granola bars, but that was not hangover food in the slightest. Luckily, there was a diner down the street that could provide everything they needed. She decided to let Rosé sleep, so she left a note with where she was going, just in case the blonde woke up and left.


Rosé groaned as she started to regain consciousness. She now remembered why she didn't normally drink, or if she did, she didn't overdo it. The night before had been great, other than the Jihoo situation, of course. The blonde worked hard to distract Jennie when she noticed the artist start getting lost in her head. Rosé hated the douchebag for spewing his poisonous bullshit at Jennie. The woman deserved nothing but the best and Rosé hoped she could prove that to her. Rosé now understood how Jennie could lose her ability to paint with how terrible her ex was and how unsupportive her mother is. Rosé was just glad that Jennie had gotten her Ph.D. in order to spite her mom, which allowed her to take the opportunity to teach at DJAE and that they were able to meet.

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