party with riven

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sophie's pov

i have just over an hour to get ready for this party with riven and his friends. everyone is dressing up as the typical bad boy and girl. easy for riven not so easy for me.
i began looking through my wardrobe for something to wear and finally after 10 mins i had a outfit

 i began looking through my wardrobe for something to wear and finally after 10 mins i had a outfit

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i put on some makeup and left my hair in loss curls

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i put on some makeup and left my hair in loss curls.
and by the time i was ready riven was at the door.
'he... wow.'
'what.' i say
'you look amazing.'
'are you sure.'
'yep you are stunning.' he says walking towards me.
'let's go.' i say
'oh btw the halloween party is tomorrow for the fairy's will you be my date.' i ask him
'only if you will be mine to the specialist one and the full school one.'
'i would love to.'
me and riven began walking to the party chatting on the way about random things

once we got to the party riven began acting very different. i started not listening to me or even speaking to me it was like i was invisible.
i felt like crying.

i was just sitting with riven and some other specialists but ever time i went to speak i was cut off by riven.

'well i thou....' i said
'so why don't we go and get some more drinks'  riven said cutting me off again.

i had only been there for an hour but i have already had enough of it all. i just want to go to my bed and watch tv.

so that's what i decided to do i got up from where i was sitting with riven and went to walk away but i heard riven call my name.

'where are you going.'
'i'm going to my suite.'
'what why.'
'riven i don't like being ignored or cut off every 5 minutes by my boyfriend. so i'm just going to go and watch tv in my bed.'
'sophie please don't go.'
'riven just leave me alone please,'

at that i left the party.
i was so upset with riven the way he was made me feel uncomfortable and useless. it was a horrible feeling.

i got back to my suite and changed into my pjs straight away.

i also took off all my makeup and done my skin care made a hot chocolate and began reading a book in my bed while having the tv on for back round noise

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i also took off all my makeup and done my skin care made a hot chocolate and began reading a book in my bed while having the tv on for back round noise

i just couldn't believe riven tonight he was never like that. he was my best friend and now he's my boyfriend and best friend but today he was like some random guy that i have never met.

i decided to finish my chapter then go to bed because i was teaching the first years again tomorrow morning before the fairy party.

oh god the party i asked riven to go with me.

hey sorry for the long wait and with is a short chapter as well

picture count- 3

word count- 506

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