"What would you like to do for a date?" She ask and my eyes widen. I stare at her, waiting for her to clarify what she means by asking that.

"Like with you?" I slowly say and she nods her head.

"Are you asking me out to actually go on a date with you?" I ask.

"I think so" she answers.

"You think so?" I sound a bit disappointed.

"I like you and I want to be with you, those things I know for sure. I just don't know how to date you. What should we do? What should I do? How do I make you my girlfriend?" She exhales loudly while looking down.

"What changed? I thought you were still figuring things out?" I ask because I want to make sure that she's ready before I get too excited.

"Talking to my cousin and your sister made me think that I should give this a chance. You're the first person I've ever liked so there's something special about you that makes me want to be with you. Maybe it's your grumpy face, the sliding mole on your nose, your soft hands or your smell or your teeth that fits in your mouth perfectly. Maybe it's your beautiful face at first but now I just like you as a whole."

"I also like how nice you are to me. I like how open you are and how accepting you've become. I'm gonna be honest, this might be terrible for you but I will try to be good to you. I'll be the best version of me for you. I don't know if that's good enough for you but I hope it is" she continues.

"You don't have to try to be anything. I just want you to be yourself. I will accept you no matter what. I know it's not gonna be easy but I'll be here for you no matter what" I try to contain my happiness.

"So what should we do on our date? Should I ask my mom to cook for us? I need to schedule with Chan and Felix on the day because my mom doesn't like me using public transportation. My aunt said they went to the movies on their first date. Do you wanna go to the movies?" She starts talking really fast.

"Ryujin" I chuckle to make her stop talking.

"How about let's make today our first date?" I'm smiling really big now.

"But we haven't been together all day" she frowns.

"But we have all night together. You got me flowers and now we're hanging out together while you teach me chess. I'd say this is a good first date" I move to sit closer to her.

"What if you find me too boring?" She looks sad.

I take her hand and she squeezes it right away.

"I really like you, Ryujin. I like you so much so there's no way I would find you boring. We can play games, watch your favorite movies, eat your favorite foods, I'll join you when you play golf and I'll enjoy every single one of those things because I'll be with you. Before you, my life was literally just providing for Jinni and work, that's it."

"I like you too. Can I take a picture of you?" She seems shy.

"Why?" I tilt my head to the side because I do think it's kind of random to ask that in this moment.

"I want to make it as my wallpaper. Isn't that what people that are dating do? I also have no picture of you. I took one of your back before but I deleted it because I didn't have your permission."

I chuckle, "You don't have to ask permission. You're welcome to take pictures of me."

"Okay, you can take pictures of me too" She's smiling big now.

"You have to go back sitting across from me though. We have to play this game" she says with a serious face.

"Okay" I don't argue and I just move.

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