•His long fingers caressing your forearms while being held. Soft kisses on top of your hair as your scent calms and is a type of aftercare for him. He would be mostly a top drop for fear he hurt you.

•When a bath or even hot shower together helps maintain a sense of built in security that would often not need to say a word. You both are feeling the afterglow of intense sex, the loving nurturing aspect of continuous no sexual touch.

•Sometimes even just cold water to drink or a favorite snack to nibble on. Yes, just like Harry Potter and the dementors. Food helps to ground the mind and so the body. And yes chocolate for me which I discovered when I started doing shamanic journeying, which seems long ago. Pick something that you like and have wonderful memories attached to ease your mind down from the 'high' in your brain.


🍷Alucard the Vampire King (fear play guy!)

•He's an interesting partner. He likes bondage/hands and feet tied to bed, oral kinks and fetishes, wax play( insist it's candles for wax play. I didn't use them at first and well it just fucking hurts with light producing candles and is not a merit badge for how tough you are) but with no feedback from a BDSM community.

•So I would introduce some ideas on how to play kinky without him scaring you to death. Some of his grins could cause a human death from sheer concentrated fear.

•He would have down time by holding you and how touch is important during the afterglow and setting back down at neutral after sex even for him, he just might not totally realize it.

•It would make sense to have a warm/ hot bath with your favorite scented candles and bath like salts (or liquid equivalent). Once again it's to ease your mind down from such intensity physically and mentally most of all. It gives him a chance to see the love marks and nips he placed on you.

• Mostly because it gives him a high but also to make sure he didn't actually hurt you especially if you have a high tolerance for pain..

•He still forgets there's lights instead of candles as most of his undead life candles and lanterns were the light source of the time. So candles burning is also good for him to ease down too. I should imagine he's even more intense with sexual 'playing' and that's not even considering fear play.

•Being the time he grew up and being the consumer of blood wine, perhaps a small glass of wine. Not too much or the 'crash' could be worse.

•Humming or singing softly songs in his native from when he lived in his homeland Wallachia. Of course male vampires have a low rumbling purr that is to express contentment and to ease the nerves of the person that you are not currently becoming an after sex snack.


🪢Shouta Aizawa (pro aftercare)

•Shouta is your knowledgeable partner especially with the internet having much more information and group chats on dos and don't in a BDSM relationship. It goes beyond what happens in the bedroom or other location 😏

•He's the one with complicated safewords that include colors, not just a code word. He would also have touch safe codes as most often it appears Shouta (not sure when got time to learn but the Shibari is based on prisoner tying up.)

•The Partner/ Dom that has the mini-fridge with cold water, snacks as you get also exhausted that slows a let down. You literally can crash within minutes or hours and even days it will flare up.

•He checks your body, in a reassuring way that anywhere from love marks to bondage use. Pulled muscles does happen but not usually as he's more professional Dom and not just trying it out kinda deal.

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