Chapter Fifteen

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I decided to invite Andrea and Derrick over too and thankfully everyone was getting along like a house on fire. Discovering an old set of UNO cards had everyone in hysterics, not to mention competitive and amazingly James was winning. Not by our choice. It was nearly ten when Eric got my attention from across the table. He gave a slight nod to the kitchen and I put down my second last card.

"Uno" I called and James glared at me, not liking the possibility of his winning streak coming to an end. Eric looked at me curiously, a bunch of cards in his hands. He seemed to forget the point of the game was get rid of cards, not collect them. I casually yawned as Andrea put her wild card down, my arm that happened to have my card in it going behind my head, giving Eric a quick flash of blue. 

"Green" she said smugly, gladly changing the color. James had two cards and the green got him in a good mood again. Mum put down a green as did Derrick and with a slight smirk Eric looked over his cards. Again. And again. 

"If you don't take the shot, we'll make you pick up more if you haven't already got the rest of the pile" Andrea teased, a few giggles soon followed. Eric nodded and smoothly dropped down the wild card. 

"Blue" He called. I hesitated in putting my card down and beside me I could see James squirming. Dropping my number 2 blue applause erupted and James was quick to pick up on the 'Thank You' I mouthed to Eric.

"You and your boyfriend cheated!" he declared. I laughed, ruffling his hair while the other adults looked excitedly between each other. Can't a girl have a guy friend? Not according to a seven year old.

"Eric is not my boyfriend and we did not cheat. Drinks anyone?" I asked, quickly poking my tongue out at him while taking the empty glasses. A red-faced Eric followed me into the kitchen, heading to the sink so we were out of view I looked at him expectantly.

"Finn is outside and wants to speak with you," he whispered. I rolled my eyes, really? Using Eric as a messenger was not something I approved of. I handed him the bottle of wine and left him filling the glasses. From the dining room I could hear another game had already started so knew I had some time. Eric looked hesitant to let me go but I knew his hearing was better than mine and he was within easy earshot. Entering the cold of the night I regretted not grabbing a jacket and quickly crossed my arms over my chest. Looking around I couldn't see anything or anyone.

"Finn?" I called as quietly as I could. A movement from behind had me spinning me around, a cream and brown wolf with black dusted through its fur and black ears emerged. His jaws were in a smile and brown eyes appeared golden and I couldn't help but notice the scars appearing amongst the fur. In a blur he stood before me in his human form. Finn.

"I am surprised you came out Elizabeth" he looked me over as if I were prey and instinctively I shivered. My wolf had been sulking at my unwillingness to invite William over with the rest of the crowd but she was back again. I felt her presence rise within me and in doing so I stood a little taller, my confidence growing. Everything he did I felt was a challenge, a test to see how I would go. In a quick movement he had me pinned against the wall of the house, one hand held my arms above my head as his knee pushed my legs apart taking away my first idea at defense. And my confidence. His other hand stroked my cheek gently and I flinched at his touch, my heart increasing as panic came over me. Where was Eric? His finger traced my jaw and I considered screaming but with all the guests inside I didn't want to have to try and explain, so prayed Eric would sense something was wrong.

He pushed my head to the side, pulling the scarf I had wrapped around my neck to hide the bruising, loose. He made a 'hm' sound and as his hand released my arms and he was about to step back Eric had knocked him down in a swift movement onto the snow covered ground. A growl erupted from Finn at the surprise attack while Eric's fury rolled off him and I had a feeling he was about to shift. From the open door more laughter floated out to us and I moved to close it, not wanting to risk anything from out here going in there. Looking back Finn was staring between Eric and I and I caught a mischievous glint.

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