After the call they all hung out for a bit more before Mingyu had to leave to visit his aunt. He decided to walk since it was close, and he wanted to pick up some flowers. He decided to pick up a flower called a Begonia. Specifically a Yellow Begonia. He thought this flower and color showed how he feels the best. Mingyu was careful with his choice in flower and color. Once the flowers were bought, he made his way to the hospital.

Making his way through the familiar doors, he walked up to the reception desk.
"Excuse me, is Kim Youngmi's room up for visitors?" Getting the approval from reception he made his way to room 404. Taking the elevator, and making his way to the fourth room on the fourth floor. Along the way Mingyu could not wait for his luck to take advantage of the situation. Yellow flowers clutched roughly in his hand, he stopped infront of the door. Saying a prayer before entering the room.

"Oh! Mingming, I didn't expect for you to show up," Youngmi said startled by his arrival. Very nice Mingyu thought. He rolled his eyes and made his way towards her bed. Taking advantage of being the only visitor as of right now, he handed her the flowers.
"You should look up what the flower and the color means, it might save you," Mingyu whispered softly, too softly, into his aunt's ear. With wide eyes Youngmi looked at her nephew's face. She was analyzing it, trying to figure him out.
"You cant stop someone if you don't know how they play the game," Mingyu stated before he walked out of the room ever so slowly. Making his way down the hallway, he ran into doctors and nurses rushing their way down the part of the hall he had just come from. He watched. He heard it.

Kim Youngmi's time of death
10:13 P.M.

Little Bastard Squad

Guess who struck again 🤪

Is it

Well yes! But who changed your name again?

Honestly idk...

Ok.....but I'm proud I got 2 within the same month. Now that is a step up. How many have you gotten? Oh right 0

Actually I got 1 thank you very much. AND WHO CHANGED MY NAME!

It was probably Hoshi.

Smoll is offline
Tigerboiiii is online

Oh shit. Mom why would you rat me out like that...I thought I was your favorite 😔

Tigerboiiii is offline

I don't have favorites 😇

That is such a lie


Hannieangel is offline

Well okay then....

Everyone is offline

Mingyu woke up the next morning to his uncle screaming through his door. Drowsily he got up from his bed and opened the door. He was met with his uncle's angry expression.
"I know you did it you little bastard! I know you killed my wife!" He screamed in Mingyu's deadpanned face. Mingyu could honestly care less.

"How do you know it was me? Where's the evidence? Only evidence you have is a wrecked car, your wrecked car. Where's the evidence to say I did it when she was driving your car, and only you would know if there was something wrong with it. What if whatever was wrong you had decided not to tell her because it would look like an accident. Like you didn't know nothing was wrong with it. Who's to say you did not plan your wife's murder. Who is to say you didn't take out those breaks on purpose," Mingyu ranted leaving his uncle speechless and infuriated.
"How do you know about the breaks," his uncle stated demanding an answer.
"I was told the cause of the crash was an out of control car, her car. From what I assume most cars go out of control either by the driver being drunk or high, which tests show she was not. Or breaks failing so they have to go around slower cars, as my mother did," after stating this his uncle walked away in anger. When he stomped away Mingyu let out a chuckle from how much he could get into someones mind.

"People are so gullible nowadays," said Vernon as they were listening to what happened this morning in the Kim household. Everyone agreed and finished their lunches. They still had about 20 more minutes of lunch left, so they all went into their own conversations, sometimes turning into a group conversation. That's when Mingyu saw it. By their maple tree was a Calla Lily, the perfect flower. In his daze he didn't notice how he started walking up to it. He didn't see how his friends were all watching him with curious eyes, especially Wonwoo.  He plucked the flower ever so carefully out of the ground saving it's beauty. He stood up from his crouched position and walked back to their bench.

Sitting back down he handed the flower to Wonwoo. Confused he asked what the flower was for.
"Beauty. The flower means beauty," Wonwoo looked at Mingyu with just as admiration and the other was giving him at that moment. He smiled. Such a genuine smile from Wonwoo was all Mingyu needed in his life, so he gave Wonwoo a smile back hoping it gives his boyfriend just as much joy as it does himself. But all good things must come to an end. And in this case it was Jun's dumbass ruining this beautiful moment.

"Why are you two looking at each other like you're about to eat one another?" Jun asked making everyone give him the 'are you serious look right now.' All of them were watching the moment between the two finding it cute. Minghao grabbed Jun by the ear and dragged him away from the table. Jun asked in a panic where he was taking him.
"To the river, I'll drown you until you learn your lesson on how to not interrupt people," retorted Minghao making everyone laugh, actually wondering if he will do it or not.

A couple minutes later the bell rang for lunch to end. The couple had gotten up with the rest of their friends. Sharing a warm hug with each other before they made their way to class.

At the end of the day Mingyu met Wonwoo in his car.
"Is that actually what it means?" Wonwoo asked Mingyu. Mingyu looked at his boyfriend confused and asked what he was talking about.
"The flower," he stated. Mingyu nodded his head telling him what he said before. The flower he picked has the meaning of beauty. Mingyu told him how the minute he saw it, he thought of him. Wonwoo took Mingyu into a tight embrace. That one embrace was enough to show Mingyu how much his boyfriend loves him without saying anything. As they say, actions speak louder than words.

Hey everyone this is the second chapter! Once again if you have any recommendations please leave them here or dm. Also *hint* *hint* I highly recommend that you look up what these flowers mean, it does in fact add to how you may see Mingyu as a character. Sorry this chapter was a little shorter than the last, but I still hope you enjoyed it!!!

Word Count: 2040

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