What's the Gender?

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One Week Later..

Well me and Tray are back cool again maybe I just have to stop thinking so hard. I left Lele at the Condo she was having Morning Sickness her appointment was schedule today they had a busy week.

My father keeps telling me stop by this hosiptal and I just want this over with so I told Tray to just park the car. I will be in and out and he won't wait to long.

"I'll be right back". I said getting out the car.

My Dad texted me his room and stuff so I just walked right to the elevator doors. I feel bad but he was gonna hurt her so I had to stop it.

I looked for room 136 and walked in the room. My Dad was the only one in there and the Dude Killa or whatever was sitting up. He looked shocked when he seen me. He grabbed my dad's slave and he looked me.

"Finally Maya you came to see your Brother .. Maya this is Emmanuel and Emmanuel this is Maya".

"She's  the one who Tazed me get her out".

"You did this to your Brother?".

"He tried to Kill Lele all I did was Taze him and he fell to the ground,Fuck him he tried to kill his own baby".

"Maya that's your brother if he don't want a baby then he don't have to".

"Dad can you Shut Up and be on my side for once!! Ever Male that come around you are always on their side and im your daughter its suppose to be me  over them but it's not. Something is wrong with you can you see that you hurt me so much and you don't care this is why I didn't wanna come to this punk ass Hospital to see him your just gonna be all up on him. You make me sick,Bitch ass".

I let all that out and his mouth just dropped. I walked put the room and  hurried up and left this damn Hospital.

I went back in the car and told Tray to take me back home.


"Hey Lele". I said putting my stuff down.

"Hey Maya,Hey Trayvion. Omg I been in here reading all these pregnancy books and reading stuff online this stuff is so interesting". She said.

"Glad you like em, But put something on your appointment is in 30 mins".

"Oh god I almost forgot".

She zoomed to her room I bought her a few things at the mall until I get this job.

"Don't you want one". Trayvion said looking through the Fridge.

"Want what".

"A Baby".

Hmm I haven't asked myself that question but I do.

"Yeah but not now".

I have to watch him now those be the ones who accidentally get you pregnant or whatever. I had sex with him like 2 nights ago for the first time it was alright well Great but I'm still not his girlfriend.

"Can you do my hair Maya". Lele said coming downstairs.


I brushed her curly afro into a bun and we all left out.

The Doctors Office...

She heard the heart beat and the Doc says the Baby needs to be bigger then it is so it has me nervous it might be a premature Baby.

"Would you want to know the Gender or want it surpise?". The doctor said.

"I want to know the Gender please". Lele said.

He moved the moniter around and pressed something on the keyboard and zoomed in. I could tell it was a girl already.

"Congratulations it's a Baby Girl your due date is June 3 your next checkup is on the 21st so come back".

Okay Okay... I had to go to the bathroom real quick. I checked the mirror and left back out. I seen Trayvion and Lele talking about something heated then Trayvion walked the other way.

She looked at me and started walking out ... That was weird.

QOTD (Question Of The Day)

-Why Do Maya's Dad act like that towards her?

-Should Maya and Trayvion be Together?

-Wassup with Lele,do you think she's hiding something?

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