Start from the beginning

"Hey, Tetsu."


"If I'm ever adopted one day, I swear I'll do anything in my power to make you go with me."

Kuroko looks at you: for a moment he's surprised by your promise, but this feeling is quickly replaced by a wave of resignation. He doesn't believe that moment will actually come as he is an almost fourteen-year-old and is still there; he doesn't even know whether to hope or not, to avoid being disappointed. You know him better than anyone else and you immediately understand how he feels.

"I know, Tetsu. I know that you don't think that will happen. But it will. And if it won't, then I'll stay here with you."

"Are you crazy, (name)? Being adopted is your greatest fortune, you deserve it! You can't stay here if you get the chance to leave."

"You deserve it even more than me, I'm two years younger and I arrived here far later. I won't leave you alone, just like you never abandoned me during the worst months of my life."

Knowing how determined you are he stops responding, accepting the situation and returning the fist bump that you show him: the light of hope isn't dead yet.


(Timeskip – about 1 year)

"(Name and surname), collect your things." – one of the ladies working at the orphanage tells you.

Your face lights up with surprise and joy. You immediately turn towards Kuroko, winking to remind him that the promise is still valid. When you exit the room with your bag you make Kuroko accompany you and you reach a couple chatting with the master.

"You, get back to the common room. I only called for (Name) and she's old enough to talk with her new parents alone."

"Actually, master..." – you intervene with a knot tied to your stomach – "Kuroko Tetsuya and I would like to be adopted together, as brother and sister."

"What? Don't say such nonsense, this couple only asked for a daughter that's about your age, they're not interested in adopting him as well."

You hear Kuroko go away but you grab his hand to make him stay. Without losing hope, you stare at the couple to convince them to adopt the both of you.

"I assure you he's a great boy, he's kind and always willing to help: he will not cause you any annoyance."

The potential parents look in each other's eyes and give their answer: it's a no. Your heart is on the verge of breaking: you had almost done it, you were so close! Before you can articulate another thought, the light-blue-haired boy starts to speak:

"There's no problem, I understand. (Name) will be the best daughter you could ever ask for."

"No! I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving this orphanage without him."

"(Name)!" – the director reproaches you.

"I'm sorry, master. I ask you to tell me about a possible future adoption only if there's a couple that's interested in adopting two children. There's a lot of very well-mannered girls my age here, that can't wait to be welcomed in a family that loves them and cares for them. With your permission." – you say bowing towards the three and getting back with Kuroko.

You know perfectly well that Kuroko and the master's rebukes won't be spared, but you're convinced that what you've done is the right thing: you'll wait and in the end you'll get what you want.


(Another timeskip)

It's been a few months from the potential adoption. In this period a few of your friends have gone to live with their new parents but both you and Kuroko are still here, bearing the daily challenges thanks to your reciprocal support and becoming more like brother and sister every day. One day, at lunchtime the master and a couple enter the canteen: the object of their chat seems to be you and Kuroko and as you notice it you can't help squeezing – or rather crushing - each other's hands under the table to let go of the tension. The director walks away but not before catching a cook's attention, that walks towards you and sends you to his office. Together.

The tension is rising, you can't believe that this could be your last day as orphans. The first thing you do as you enter is glancing at the people sitting on the chairs: they're smiling and look friendly, so the first impression is great for the both of you.

"The Mobito family is looking for two children, a polite and obedient boy and girl your age." – the master starts.

"Yes." – the woman adds – "We've always wanted to have two kids but we never had them in spite of our attempts. But now we would love to give a future to the children that live in this orphanage and we would be more than happy to become your family."

"And we would be more than happy to become a part of it. Right, Tetsu?"


"It's settled then. Get ready, the Mobito family will wait for you at the entrance gate."

As you leave the office you rush at your top speed to the common room, deserted as everyone is having lunch, and there you can let out all your emotions. With a hug and lots of tears you free the joy that invades your hearts: you can have a family full of love together, as big brother and little sister. You don't share the same blood, but you will soon be lawfully related and it's sure to say that you've always been kindred souls. A new chapter in your life is starting: and what a chapter.

Song used in the title: Family - The Chainsmokers & Kygo

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