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Upon our arrival at the Malfoy family vault, Draco confidently approached the door, his finger poised to activate the lock

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Upon our arrival at the Malfoy family vault, Draco confidently approached the door, his finger poised to activate the lock. As it pricked his finger to verify his lineage, I watched in fascination, noting the subtle prick of blood as the mechanism acknowledged his Malfoy heritage. With a soft click, the door swung open, revealing the treasures within.

Draco turned towards me, offering his arm as an invitation. Gratefully, I accepted, allowing him to guide me out of the cart and towards the open vault. With a nod from Draco, indicating it was safe to enter, we stepped inside. Unlike my own vault, which primarily housed monetary assets, the Malfoy vault boasted an array of riches – books, portraits, jewelry, and even furniture adorned the space.

Lady Malfoy stood at a nearby table, sorting through a chest that held a multitude of treasures. From it, she retrieved a smaller chest, setting it down before us with a gentle smile. As she opened it, my eyes widened in awe at the sight of the exquisite rings nestled within.

"When you find your soulmate, you give them a ring from your family vault," Lady Malfoy explained, her voice carrying a tone of reverence. "Each ring is enchanted with protective spells and charms, ensuring the safety of the wearer. Choose whichever speaks to you."

I delicately trailed my fingers over the array of rings, each one more beautiful than the last. But I wasn't drawn solely to their aesthetic appeal; I sought a connection, a resonance that went beyond mere appearance. As I allowed a hint of magic to emanate from within me, a particular ring caught my attention – a gold band adorned with a smooth black gemstone, encircled by a constellation of tiny diamonds. It seemed to call out to me, its subtle energy pulsating in harmony with my own.
Draco mentioned something about courtship jewelry, suggesting that we could wait until we were older. However, I insisted that there was no need to delay, and he graciously agreed. He explained that traditionally, the male would choose the jewelry, but he allowed me to decide the type I preferred – whether it be a bracelet, earrings, or a necklace. Opting for a necklace since my ears weren't pierced and I didn't want a bracelet to be hidden by my gloves, I shared my choice with Draco.

Without hesitation, Draco set off to find the perfect necklace, accompanied by Lord Malfoy. Meanwhile, I sat with Lady Malfoy, who rummaged through a smaller chest filled with hairpins, combs, and clips. Each piece exuded an antique charm, but one particular item caught her eye – a stunning blue, teal, and white peacock comb. Lady Malfoy explained its significance, mentioning Lord Malfoy's fondness for peacocks, a symbol deeply ingrained in their family crest. With tears of gratitude welling in my eyes, I nodded in understanding as she motioned for me to turn around.

As I turned, Lady Malfoy deftly pinned my braids into a bun, adorning it with the peacock comb. The intricate design shimmered in the light, serving as a tangible symbol of my newfound connection to the Malfoy family.

Meanwhile, Draco returned with his chosen courtship necklace – a breathtaking silver Victorian-era choker adorned with delicate roses and leaves. Diamonds adorned each rose, leading the eye to a dazzling array of larger gemstones culminating in a teardrop-shaped diamond pendant. I was speechless at the sight of such elegance, overwhelmed by Draco's thoughtful gesture.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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