"Sup dudes! You guys having all the fun without me?" I sarcastically asked as I lifted them up to their feet.

"You know it. I kicked the stink bug in the eye. It was pretty funny," Polly smirked.

"I bet it was, but jeez. How could you guys handle the odor? Smells like rotten eggs and sewage."

"Polly and I held our breath for a while. We almost passed out. Luckily, you saved us in a matter of time for us to breathe again," Sprig clarified.

"And I'd do it again for you two," I slung an arm around my sibling's shoulders and pulled them close to me.

"D'aww. We would too, yet you can handle everything without trouble," Polly made a point.

"Right on, little sister," I unattached myself from Sprig and Polly.

As I did so, I heard footsteps behind us. I twisted my body to see my blonde friend wearing her fur cloak, skirt, boots, and leather armor. I wasn't surprised to see Sasha here as she comes by whenever she has time.

"Polly! Sprig! I need your help for a second," I heard the old man call out their name.

They both jogged over to Hop Pop while I was left standing. I didn't have to wait any longer because Sasha was right in front of me.

"Hey Sash. Nice seeing you here," I beamed and made my way to my friend to give her a hug.

"Hi Boonchuy. I see you were bonding with your little siblings," Sasha hugged back.

"I always do. You know how I am," I was the first to end our hugging session.

"Oh, I know."

"So... What brings you here? Not that I mind or anything," I held my hand up and waved it around to indicate that I really didn't want Sasha here.

I noticed that she turned a bit red when I asked her a question. She rubbed the back of her neck shyly and gazed down at the dirt.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk and chat? Just you and I," Sasha inquired while she swung her arms forward and clasped her hands together.

"Yeah, why not. Lead the way," I instructed her.

She nodded and began traveling down to Wartwood. I followed next to Sasha and allowed her to be the first one to start a conversation.

"Are you excited for what Andrias has in store for us?"

"Definitely! He is giving us a special mission. Do you think Andrias will make us God Knights if we complete it? I mean, he never sent out a message saying that there's a special job we need to do," I intertwined my hand and set it at the back of my head.

"That is true. Maybe it's special because that's how we will become God Knights. Andrias thinks we're ready," Sasha agreed with my thought.

"I think we are. Look how far we've come. We deserve it," I kept my hopes high.

"Right. Do you think things will change after we become God Knights?"

"I doubt there will be a lot of changes. We'll be left to handle way more dangerous tasks, and our title will change. That's about it," I shrugged.

"As long as we stick together, there's nothing we should worry about," Sasha playfully punched me on the arm.

"Heh, right. Sasha and Anne, the hero of Amphibia who will become the top percent of knights," I held my fist to Sasha.

She used her fist to bump into mine. We both smiled at each other while continuing walking down the pathway to Wartwood. I was ready for whatever King Andrias had to throw at me. Any challenge he'll give me, it will be a piece of cake. It will determine my fate, and that fate will become a reality.

Cursed (Marcanne) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now