Selene frowned, searching desperately for any kind of anger, or disappointment. "Percy, I —"

"Shh," He cooed — reaching down and brushing her hair out of her face. His eyes were now hooded — stopping her from seeing any trace of emotion in them. "Don't. I'm just glad — I'm just glad you're okay."

And while that was true — she was okay — it was clear that he wasn't. Seeing Selene unconscious with blood staining her clothes was the last thing he wanted to see. Knowing that he, willingly, left Selene to fend off Kampê alone, made it worse.

He was practically a wreck when he ran back into the labyrinth with her in his arms. There was so many emotions crashing in his mind — but Selene, and her unconscious state, silenced them.

She needed help.

And in that moment, despite all the fussing that was coming from Annabeth, the gasps that were coming from Grover, and the whimpers that were coming from Tyson — he focused.

He focused on Selene. He focused on her long dark hair, her slightly parted lips, her rhythmic breathing. The soft beating of her heart, the warmth of her body. He used all his power to help her. To heal her.

All he wanted was to see those navy blue eyes again. All he wanted to hear was her soothing voice again — laughing at idiotic he was.

He wanted her back.

So that's why he did everything he could to save her.

Because he almost couldn't in the first place.

"I'M GOING TO help her," Percy insisted for about the seventeenth time — running his hand through his hair. "I'm worried."

"Percy," Sighed Annabeth — rubbing her temples. "It's been five minutes."

"So? I let her run off towards Kampê, who, Cyclopes couldn't even fight! I'm an idiot! She's going to get hurt!"

"No, she's not," Annabeth said — so confidently he almost wanted to believe her. "She can handle her own. You trust her, don't you?"

"Of course I trust her," Percy answered. "And I know she can handle herself. I'm just...I have this feeling. Annabeth, I can't ignore it."

Annabeth sighed again. She was trying to hide it, but he could see she was worried sick, too — drumming her fingers on her thigh. "Fine. You can — fine. But you have to find her quickly. Grover and Tyson are across the way with Briares — and I can tell they found the entrance."

Percy shivered at that. He didn't really want to go back into the labyrinth again, but what choice did they have? It's either that, or Kampê eats them all for brunch.

Annabeth gave him a look. "Percy, you there?"

Percy stirred. "Oh, yeah shit — Styx. Sorry. I'm going. Thanks, Annie!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, shaking her head in amusement. "Whatever, loser. Just don't be long."

Percy nodded frantically. Without another word, he bolted off back towards the jail yard — faster than he ever had before.

Tourists all around him screamed bloody-murder. Security guards flocked around in groups — urging people away with their batons.

Smoke was in the air. Food carts were scattered everywhere, along with half-eaten hamburgers and spilled milkshakes. He thought that was a waste of food — I mean, it's just a dragon lady with a poison sword, nothing to worry about!

   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 || 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙮 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙤𝙣¹Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant