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Lopez Enterprise 2:00 pm Friday

Floor 2 , Lobby


Well Ray this has been great but I should get going , I'm tired . My feet hurt and I'm hungry . See you on Monday Ray , tell your dad to keep Kiki in check she just tired to get my car towed .

- Outside -

Venus opens the Cadillac door yelling at the tow truck driver . The Tow truck driver shrugs his shoulders before driving off .

- Inside Of Lopez Enterprise -

                                 Ray Lopez

                          Laughs . See you on Monday Harley , I promise to tell my dad to keep Kiki in check . Let me walk you to your car .

Harley nods her head before walking out the door . Ray holds Harley purse before she gets in the Cadillac . Ray walks back inside of Lopez Enterprise , Ray press the elevator door button .

- California -


            Harley who was that handsome arm candy ? You two would look so cute together . 


           Venus that was Mr.Lopez son CEO of the Lopez Enterprise . Mr.Lopez and his wife Kelsey own the building but Mr.Lopez gave the rights to his company to his first born son .

       - Venus raises her right eyebrow before parking in the drive away . Venus opens Harley side of the passenger door grabbing her purse . -


                Bestie you look stressed out I'll make you favorite dish . Go relax in your bedroom . I'll let you know when the food is done .


                        Thank you Best friend . Yawns .


                            Your welcome

- Harley quickly runs up the stairs before closing her bed room door . Harley sits down on her bed looking up at the ceiling .  Harley day dreams about how lucky she was to work at such a fancy company . -

- Harley phone dings snapping her out of her thoughts . -

Ray : Hey Harley I found your phone number on the intern document. Hope you don't mind I wanted to get to know better outside of work .

Seen by Harley

Harley : Hey Ray , No I don't mind you wanting to get to know me better .

Seen by Ray

- Harley grabs her bathrobe closing her bathroom door . Harley turns on the water making sure it was hot . Harley slips her dress and under wear off before hopping in the shower . -

- Few Hours Later -

Ding Dong


                       Harley you have a visitor here to see you . The food is done whenever your ready , you can come down to eat dinner .


                     Coming Venus I'm putting on my slippers right now .  Set two plates out on the dinner table .


                           Make that three plates , also girlll it does not take that long to put on a pair of slippers .


                                   I want to make sure I look good before I'm come down stairs .  Flat irons light brown hair . Brushes edges puts hair up in a high ponytail .

- Harley fixes her green sleeping booty shorts , Harley fixes her green tank top before putting her phone in her shorts pocket . -

- Harley sips on some ice water before getting a chicken fita wrap . Harley eyes travel across the kitchen . Harley face turns red before choking on her water . Ray fixes his black v neck shirt before laughing . -


                                 Let's eat everyone ! Ray you can sit next to Harley if that's okay with her though . Harley are you okay with Ray sitting next to at the dinner .


               Uh no I'm okay with Ray sitting next to me at the dinner table .No big deal Venus .


              Hhmm I beg to differ Harley hope the food is not to spicy .

- Harley , Ray , Venus start to make their fita wraps and tacos . Harley , Ray , Venus talked and laughed for the rest of the night . -

- Few Hours Later -

  Harley goes upstairs to brush her teeth and rinse her mouth out . Ray sits on the couch flipping through the channel stations . Venus goes upstairs to check on Harley .


                             Harley we have a guest downstairs it would be rude of us to not be good host .


                             Venus I'm coming back downstairs I just need to change my pad .

Venus nods her head before walking back downstairs .


                         Harley is going through some personal things . She should be back downstairs before it's time for you to leave.


                        Oh I'm in no rush to leave Venus . I have all night to do nothing , I plan to enjoy my time .



                   Ray dropping by un announced ? Ray x Harley slow building relationship ? Comment your opinion 's , etc in the comments section below !

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                   Ray dropping by un announced ? Ray x Harley slow building relationship ? Comment your opinion 's , etc in the comments section below !


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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