Chapter 1 || way to fuck it up, Y/N

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I felt hungry, like really, really hungry… I need food, but there isn’t much hope in a zombie apocalypse, so I just have to ignore it.
My feet ached, I had been walking for ages, 2 days I think, I can’t remember the last time I stopped for a rest… I was scared that if I sat down I wouldn’t get back up, so I ignored that too.
My nose itched, I kept sneezing and each time it sent my head spiraling, tunnel vision right, left and center, I don’t know what’s causing it to itch but all I know is it smells like a fire… so I ignored that as well.
Wait no, I’m not ignoring it, I’m running towards it at full speed, damn, that tree lines getting thin isn’t it-
I go crashing through the trees, the branches cutting my face and body as I fall.
No no no no NO!!!
I land face first in the edge of the opening, I quickly crawl back in and look around, there’s been people here, and recently… no, they’re still here…
I slink around the area, thank God the trees reached all the way around. I stop when I get to an area that looks a lot like someone, or multiple people had been sleeping there.
Sleeping bags thrown everywhere, bags with clothes messily shoved into them, cups and old plates up on any flat surface, and a woman sitting there staring out into another part of the trees.
She waves someone over, a old man? He had a surprisingly well looked after beard, he wanders over to her and sits down, she points to where she was looking, where I had come from.

Damn, I say damn a lot... wait what was I doing?
"I think I just saw something fall through the trees, like face first...?" Says the girl, she had a purple-ish red hair and probably didn't stand much taller than me.

"maybe there's a new type of Z, extra clumsy, extra dumb?" They both smile at each other.

"Maybe." She responds.
I felt mad because they indirectly called me dumb, but then again I was really clumsy. I'm tempted to reveal myself, they seem like nice people. But I know it’d be dumb of me.

I frown.
They probably have food…

I see where the smoke was coming from, a small fire there was a boy sitting there, the way he slumped over his knees you'd think he were dead, but he wasn't, I could see him messing around in the dirt with a small stick.
I decided to go closer that way, maybe I could try talking to him?

I continue around the side of the clearing, the fire was scarily close to the Place where I fell, so I was praying He didn’t see or hear me, I start sneaking even slower than before, basically walking in slow motion.

Ironically, just as I was about to stop, a stick cracks.

The boys hand goes straight to a rifle that was sitting next to him, I go straight to the ground just as the bullet shot, I could hear the others running around the corner after hearing the gun, they were all asking him questions but he didn’t reply.

I was assuming he thought he got me, so was starting to crawl backwards as fast as I could while staying to the ground when a boot hits me square in the side of the head. I cradle my head in my hands, I roll over to my side trying to fight the pain, then the barrel on his gun hits me this time making me feel sickly woozy, I fall down again, I couldn’t move.

I go numb and what I assume is pass out, because when I reopen my eyes I was tied in a chair, the girl and a strange blue man we’re debating something in hushed voices a little ways to the left, I swivel my head to the left, the old man was smoking a cigarette not paying attention to the others around him.

A jolt of pain goes through my temples.

“Gah, ah” I gasp for air. A bottle of water appears In front of my face, freaking out, I fall backwards.

“mrph!” I hit my head again, this time I’m pretty sure I’m bleeding.

I’m pulled back up and the girls in front of me, dusting me off. “Jeez, you just can’t get a break of falling can you?” she says without hinting it was a joke. “what happened anyway?”

“I tried to give her some water for her headache and she freaked.” My eyes went to the boy, he was sitting on a log about half a meter from my feet. His face was emotionless.

“my bad.” He says then gets up and walks off.

The girl looks at him with a sad look. “he must still be feeling sick…” she mumbles, then she sits down on the log next to where the boy had been.

I try and relax, they obviously weren’t in any rush to torture me.

The blue man sort of just looked at me, like I was some sort of parasite before walking off as well.

So I was stuck in this chair, with a terrible headache and an awkward silence.

Way to Fuck it up, Y/N.

Yo ik this is sorta long but whatever, I'm offline most the time so I won't update frequently, So expect big updates when they do happen

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