Chapter 5 || Y/N POV || times when a therapist would have been helpful.

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We finally made it to the truck, on the way murphy had started 3 more hushed screaming matches, 10k had even thrown in some insults, he doesn’t seem to want to talk to the others much..
We all piled into the car and continued on, murphy, thankfully had fallen asleep, but I think he was faking it so he didn’t get a slap up the back of the head by Addie.
We went another 4 miles I think when the next problem showed up, the hospital where this warren chic was supposed to be was horded by Zombies..
Addie’s shoulders dropped slightly and murphy sat up, rather sadly, you could tell the whole groups spirit was just sucked out of them..
“maybe they’re alright?.. I’m sure they’re alright..” Doc mumbled trying to reassure everyone, but it seemed he wasn’t even reassuring himself. “They probably just held up in a room, sure they’re safe.” He added.
“They’re fine, all of the signals I’m getting are dead.. but 2.. I think” murfey said, what signals? How did he know that? I looked at his hands for some sort of device but there was nothing, his eyes were closed and he was concentrated like he was walking the halls as a ghost. That’s not creepy..
“He can talk to zombies”  10k whispers to me before adding “..or something..” when I looked at him wide eyed.
“..or something..? that’s not very reassuring,” I whisper back with a nervous laugh. “explain it later ok?” I ask, he nods in return.
We sit and wait a few minutes but Murfey still got the same thing, “I don’t- I don’t know! I don’t control people I control Zombies!” he exclaimed when Addie kept tapping his shoulder, pushing for an answer.
It was still creepy, the idea of him, him of all people, controlling zombies..?
There was movement a little to the left from where we where, the others eyes slowly drifted to their feet when they realized that the zombies were leaving, meaning that there was nothing worth while left inside.. 10k swung open the car door and stormed into the bush, whacking trees with his rifle as he went.
Doc pulled out one of his various cigarette packets and lit one, walking over and leaning on a tree, Addie rested her head on the car steering wheel, me and murfey sat next to each other in the back seats, awkwardly.
“Does this mean I get to go home or?” he asked to nobody in particular.
“No. We have a mission. To get you to California, Warren said we’re in it till the end.” Addie replied without looking up.
“Oh great, who elected you to be leader? If anything it should be doc! At least he doesn’t hit me up the back of the head!” murfey exclaimed before swinging out the car window, and here I sat, alone, never knowing who Warren was, must have been their leader.. I guess?
I sat for another 25 minutes before Addie’s head snaps up, I flinch a little, I climb over a few seat so I was in the passenger. I stare out with her, movement. A few seconds pass and there it was again, and then in a bush a few meters from that. They were getting more frequent, as if the thing making them was getting lazy.
I look over at Addie making sure she was seeing it, her eyes were shooting from one spot to another looking for the next place we’ll see it. Doc slowly opens the door and slides in, he stared at it too.
“I think it might be the others, they seem quite slow though..” he whispered.
“We’ll just keep watching it for a little while longer, then I’ll go and check whether its them…” she drifts off when she notices more movement, this time closer. “on second thoughts they might be zeros..”
“Zeros?” I whisper back, I had never heard of them..
“Mexican drug cartel as far as we can tell, there’s a lot of activity by them lately..” doc answers.
“oh. I must have missed a lot of the apocalypse because I haven’t spoke to someone for about.. 4 months?” I mumble back.
“4 months? That’s years in Z-Time!” Addie exclaims, I simply shrug my shoulders, I wasn’t very popular Pre-Z either.
Addie decides to check it out so Doc and I waited, I stood holding a pistol I had found of a random corpse nearby, weirdly there was a lot of them, doc confirmed they were Zeros, so we were hoping that whatever Addie was going near wasn’t remotely close to them.
“You all good over there?” Doc shouts over, Addie does a thumbs up behind her back, still inching closer. Murfey had had slinked his way back to the truck, from wherever he had gone off to.
“surprised you didn’t do a runner” doc said before slapping him on the back, murfey gets back into the truck. “oh that reminds me, did you see 10 on your way back?” doc asks.
“No, he went the other way, remember, god, old age really does have an affect.” Murfey said while putting on a really fake disgusted face, Doc ignores him and rolls his eyes.
We watch as Addie inches closer and closer, murfey and doc both pulls out their guns, I raised my pistol as a precaution, Doc put a hand to it and lowered it.
“Why don’t you try and find 10k? We’re fine here kid” Doc smiles so I wander off in the direction of the most broken bushes. There was dents in trees, huge rocks had chips out of them, so bushes were now nothing but a few twigs and leaves. There was the sound of trees being hit to my left so I slowly walked over, he didn’t sound happy.
When I got there he was sat on the ground with his head between his knees, his hair was full of dirt and I think bugs. His gun was a few meters from him, there were tree bits sitting In front of him, the tree carved like a pickaxe had hit it.
I felt like saying something but I don’t think it would help much.. so I just went over and sat next to him, ignoring the branches I was sitting on. I tried to place a hand on his shoulder but he was jumpy.
I didn’t know how to comfort someone other than hug them, but I didn’t know him so I just sat there with him.
His head slowly rises to look at me, I pretended like I was looking the other way. This is awkward.
“Im done, I just want this to be over.. no more death, too much death. She was the leader of this whole operation, I’ve wanted to give up so many times, Murfey is hopeless.” He beguins ranting about how terrible murfey is and other stuff, I just sat there quietly as he spoke, this is probably the most I’ve heard him say.
“Kids! Kids! They’re okay! They’re banged up but they’re okay!” doc yells as he crashed through the bushes and undergrowth. 10k’s head snaps up, his eyes were wide and there was a smile on his face.
10k jumps up and grabs my hand, jeez he must really be in a good mood, he runs back to the truck and there they stood 2 people, one male one woman.
“We were overrun so we hid in a clinic, I had to stich up Vasquez while he sewed up me.” The chic named Warren said.
“She handled it like a boss while I passed out from the pain” Vasquez added.
10k was holding back a smile, he was basically vibrating with excitement or happiness, or both, he was still holding my hand but I didn’t mind.
After a while of talking to them we decided it would be safer to get on the road and find a house or something. We all go into the car me and 10 finally separated, he looked kinda surprised when he noticed I was still holding it, then he went red and sat on the top of the truck, as a sentry as he called it.
We drove for a few hours taking turns at driving, I even got a go, I wasn’t the best at it, I almost crashed us into a tree..
“Remind me again to never let u drive” doc said with a nervous laugh.
“I think I did fine” I say waving his words away.
“Yeah You” murfey added In.
“whatever Smurfette.” I replied before walking off, I sat on the top of the truck, it wasn’t a hot day so I should be fine.
I lay down, the warm metal calming me down. “hey” I roll my head to the side to see 10k, he was standing in the tow ball, he was probably tall enough without it, especially since this truck was pretty lowset, he was was basically towering over me. “hey” I reply, I close my eyes and roll my head back to where it was.
There was a thunk beside me then the sound of someone sliding, then fingers slipping down steel. I look back to see 10 on the ground, squirming like a capsized tortoise.
I begin laughing violently, he looked ridiculous, he sat up like a toddler, legs spread and arms out in front of his body, processing what had happened.
“you good?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine..” he sort of does and smile before standing up, stumbling a little then straightening up. He quickly climbed back up and sat next to me awkwardly, playing with his shoe laces.
“And you called me clumsy"

Yo so I just uploaded all the chapters I had up until this point, hope you liked them and I am currently working hard to write, check and post more!
Also alot of you can probably tell I like punctuation, alot.
So don't be surprised if I OVER punctuate.
I use "," alot as u might notice

10kxReader || Clean || Z Nationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें