The group grabbed their bags and walked their way to the school doors. Mingyu had class with DK, Joshua, and Jun this period, creative writing. Almost all of them hated the class except for DK. All of them believe that it might be impossible for him to hate anything. The four of them walk into their class and head to their seats in the back corner of the room by the windows. They get into their seats as the second bell rings, signaling class to start.
"Mingyu," Jun turns around whispering to get his attention.
"What?" Mingyu responds. Jun turns around to see him since he sits at the desk in front of him with DK being next to him.
"Who has to take care of you now that both your parents are gone? Your not of legal age to take care of yourself," this question gains the other two's attention. Joshua soon agrees and asks what he is going to do. Mingyu tells them that his next immediate family would have to take care of him, being his aunt Yungmi and his uncle Seungjin.
"You have to stay with those two?" Jun asked in disgust. Mingyu sadly nodded his head before they got called out on by the teacher for talking.

Soon, but not soon enough, the first couple classes were over and it was lunch time. Mingyu had decided to sit in between Wonwoo and Chan. Wonwoo had his arm wrapped around Mingyu while he was helping Chan with his assignment. In the middle of helping him Chan suddenly dropped his pen. Now all the attention was on Chan.
"Can you guys call me Dino?" Chan asked all twelve of them. They all looked at him with confused expressions.
"Why would you want us to call you Dino?" Seungcheol asked him. Chan explained how it was because Jihoon got a cool name like Woozi, and Dokyeom had got DK, so he wanted a cool name too.
"Yeah sure we can, but don't say your original name is not cool," Jeonghan stated and everyone agreed.

Everyone had gotten up to go to their next class. Mingyu's next class was P.E. Mingyu had P.E with Vernon, Hoshi, and Seungcheol. Currently they had an epic game a badminton going on when Mingyu got hit on the head with a volleyball by one of the well known guys at the school, Jay Park. Now, no one likes Jay, so why was he popular no one actually knows. The minute Mingyu got hit, all his friends saw Jay's life flash before their own eyes. However, surprising them all, Mingyu simply turned around and gave the ball back saying it was alright. When he turned back around to meet his friends gazes, they were looking at him as if he had two heads.
"What? Do I got something on me?" Mingyu asked rubbing his face. Hoshi walked up and put his hand on his forehead.
"He doesn't have a fever," Hoshi stated to the other two. Mingyu just simply slapped Hoshi across the face. From the floor,
"Definitely doesn't have a fever," at this statement no one could help but burst into laughter while Mingyu still remains there confused.

A little, long while later it was finally time to go home. Mingyu met up with his boyfriend in front of the school's gate. They got in Wonwoo's car and started to make their way to Mingyu's house. About ten minutes later they finally arrived, however there was another car in the driveway they did not see before the left. Out of curiosity, they both got out of the car and walked up to Mingyu's front door. Unlocking the door, both made their way inside. Once inside they spotted Mingyu's aunt and uncle unpacking inside his, what used to be, mom and dad's room.
"What's going on?" Mingyu soon asked stepping into the room.
"Oh Mingyu dear, we are here to watch over you since you need a guardian, and we are the closest relatives," Mingyu gave them the 'yeah no shit' look. Mingyu had to restate his question for their incoherent minds.
"I mean why are you taking my parents room," he asked in a demanding tone. All they said was because it is the only room in the house. Which is a lie. They have a guest room. However, Mingyu did not have the energy nor time to deal with them. So, he just nodded, grabbed Wonwoo's hand, and walked to his room.

When they got to Mingyu's room they sat on his bed and started to decided on what K-drama to watch while they did their homework. They finally decided on watching (Insert Drama). Soon enough they had finished their homework, so they just decided to cuddle and watch the show. Later they soon fell asleep.

A couple hours later they woke up, and sadly Wonwoo had to go home. They walked down the stairs to the front door. Mingyu walked down with Wonwoo to his car.
"What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow? Same time?" Wonwoo asked and Mingyu nodded. Mingyu gave Wonwoo a goodbye kiss before he got into the car.
"I love you.....Wonton," Wonwoo gasps in fake offense when he heard the forbidden nickname come out of his boyfriends mouth. Soon enough they both started giggling. After their fit of giggles Wonwoo returned Mingyu's 'I love you' and drove off to his own home.

Once back inside Mingyu walked into his aunt and uncle in the living room, giving him dirty looks.
"I don't want you around that kid anymore, he is no good for our little Mingming," looking at his aunt in disbelief he retorted,
"Your little Mingming? Are you serious? You're not my parents. You have no right to tell me what to do, and who to hang out with," Mingyu was in utter disbelief that they were telling him what to do and they have barely been in this house for 24 hours. Not in the mood Mingyu walked away into his room, locking the door. He could hear his aunt yelling at him that it is disrespectful to walk away like that. Mingyu tuned out and went into their group chat.

PG-13 idiots

Vercaprio- Why is this the chat name? We all know we are not PG-13 💀

Dino-soarus Rex- Because why not

The8 Ball- ^^

Sorry to disrupt this.....whatever it is
But it's happening again and it has not even been 24hrs😭

SPF40- Stay strong soldier 🫡

Jisoos- DK.....who changed your name....

SPF40- Honestly....idk

Wonton- Gyu don't worry if you ever need to get out I'm sure my parents would not mind you staying over for a bit ☺️

Thanks bae 😘

Diva Boo- ah they go again.

Hannieangel- awwwwww let them have their moment ❤️

S.clouds- Gyu don't worry if you need anything and Wonwoo is not available you have us too

Thanks guys that means a lot love you all 💗 (not you Seungkwan)

Diva Boo- WOW....I feel Mchurt 🥲

Junstar- Mchurt 💀

Everyone is offline

Mingyu quickly turns off his phone when he hears his aunt's heels clack against the wood flooring. Even though the door is locked he can't help but fear that she will find a way inside. Why...out of all the people why did it have to be them that looked after him. Seeing the shadow of his aunt under the crack of his door he quickly, but quietly, put his phone on his nightstand. Right as he rests his head on his pillow he hears the lock click. She got in. Quickly regulating his breathing to look asleep as she slowly approached. The careful steps of the heels making their way towards his bed were getting louder and louder as the seconds passed. Soon he felt her breath against his face and quickly tried to calm down, and not flinch. Standing there for at most 2 minutes before she backed away and to the door. Mingyu heard the door shut, but he knew he was not safe yet. From years of pretending to be asleep he learned a few things. One of those things is to never trust the first time the door is shut. In this case he is correct to do so. Not even a minute later he heard the clicking of her heels make their way back to the door. He heard her open it, but not yet left.  However, before she left she stated,
"Don't play me for a fool Mingming. Not ever." After that statement he heard the closing of his bedroom door, and the sound of her heels slowly making their way down the hall to his parents room.

Hi everyone!!! Please let me know what you thought of this, and if you have any recommendations please leave them here or dm me cause I just started this and I might run out of ideas quick, or ideas for further chapters.

Word Count: 2222

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