9 - Weekend Plans (pt. 2)

Magsimula sa umpisa

To Kokoni-chan: i wouldn't hurt the goddess of Akademi. i'm her bodyguard.

To Kokoni-chan: besides, i'm not THAT bad. i respect women.

I giggled. Seemed like I wasn't the only person he pleaded his case to.

Or maybe I'm just the reason he's pleading his case to her...

I shook my head. That couldn't be it, could it?

But then I thought back to the night before, and brought a hand close to my neck, recalling the hickies he'd left on me that I'd covered up with makeup this morning. I remembered how he kissed down from my ear to my neck, how his plump lips tickled my neck, how his sharp teeth bit my flesh...

Maybe I am the reason after all...


I glanced down at my phone.

Secret Softie: whatcha thinking about? ;)

A second later he sent another message.

Secret Softie: why is that my contact name...?

I scoffed and replied back. To Secret Softie: Cuz you're secretly a softie for me ;)

Osorō read my message, but instead of replying, he put his phone away, then crossed his legs in a very troublemaker-like manner and stared out the window, giving me no more reaction than a mere huff.

I giggled. He didn't deny it, though.

I glanced up, checking in on the others. Sitting on the left side, Kokona and Riku shared earbuds as Kokona showed him something on her phone. Across from them, Oka and Shin also shared earbuds, but it seemed they were just listening to music since both leaned their heads against each other with their eyes closed.

Then, I made eye contact with my father, who had his arms crossed and was staring me down with a hard look. He didn't even need to say anything for me to know he was questioning my choice of friends — most likely because of Oka, Shin, and Osorō. Oka and Shin since they were dressed in an obviously gothic fashion, and Osorō since he didn't bother to hide the fact that he was the type to view rules as something made to be broken.

My father's eyes narrowed and glanced between Osorō and I. I could see where his thought process was going, and I gulped as I realized he was probably more bothered by his presence than Oka's or Shin's. His eyes conveyed the message he couldn't say out loud until at least next Sunday since he was still in the process of rewarding me.

You'd better not be dating that guy.

You'd better not make that mistake again.

I sighed, attracting Osorō's attention. He leaned down and whispered, "You good?"

I merely nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

His head tilted up, and I glanced over to catch him looking at my father. He didn't glare or scowl at him, but I could tell by the fiery look in his brown eyes that he wished he could say something against him right then and there. "Osorō," I warned.

Underneath the Moonlight || Osorō Shidesu x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon