Chapter one ; reality

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It's strange how it feels like you were born in the wrong dimension

But you'd never expect to be Isekai'd to a dimension totally different from yours.




I dance around my apartment room, I freeze feeling like someone knocked on my door. "Hey, Alexa I- uh- stop playing" I whisper, the music stops as I crawl to my door and look through the peek hole. Once I saw the person there in front of my rusty ass door I open it immediately, "AY JAY!" I yell tackling her into a side hug away from her stomach. "Oi! Careful!" She yells back grabbing onto my shirt and attempting to pull me off, once I finally let go of her I grab her luggage and put it inside my apartment as she sat down on the couch.

"What's it like to have a baby?" I ask with a questioning tone as I sat down next to her, "It's ok, but I can't really do anything with this bump" she responded with a sigh. "May I?" I ask signaling to her stomach, "sure bro" she says as I place the side of my head onto his womb. The baby kicks her stomach making me jolt in shock, "BRO I THINK THAT YOUR KID HATES ME" I scream "My ears are gonna burst cause of you retard." She muttered as she places her hands on her ears.

"Sorry," I say putting my hand on her shoulder, she puts her hands back on the sides of her and on the couch. "It's fine" she responds sounding pissed off. I smirk, "yOu Go DoWn JuSt LiKe HoLy MaRy- AH-" my beautiful singing gets cut off by a jab in the stomach. "SHUT UP YOU HOT TOPIC WANNA BE" she screams don the top of her lungs, "BRO YOU CRAZY BITCH-"


Flashback over


As I look at the stranger at the foot of 'my' bed, I was still in shock. It was a kid. Did this bitch really kidnap me without offering candy? He says some words, but I could only make out 'are you ok' thanks to my otaku knowledge. I look at him like he was crazy, and said in the most cringe way possible yes in Japanese. He blinks at me and clears his throat, "hello! I'm Rengoku Kyojuro" he says with an excited voice. Wait what. SO THIS KID AINT NO WEIRDO WHO LIKES M-RATED ANIMES?! "Uh, I'm L/n Y/n.." I responded, why was my voice like the 12-year-old voice I had a long time ago..?

"So L/n! Whare are you from? I'm sure since you pasted out in front of our home you live close by!" .. 'wait what. Fuck it I'll just say I have memory loss.' "I don't know.. I can't remember.." he cocked his head to the side like an owl confused. 'OMG HE'S SO FUCKING ADORABLE AHHHHHHH' I scream internally, I sigh trying to look through my dirty mind for the saying I don't know in Japanese. Once I do he looks at me with a smile, "Thants ok! You can stay with us for now!" Though his English was broken, I couldn't help but smile. "Haha! You smiles! You look amazing when you smile" he says hugging my waist and giggling, 'FUCK I'M GETTING HUGGED BY A CUTIE! AHHHHHHH'.

"What to met mama and papa?" He asked me, I simply nod trying not to laugh at his English.

"I be back!" He says letting go of me and running out of the room with a bright smile painted onto his face, after a while, two adults come into the room. 'Bruh why are they both so PRETTYYYYYY'. Rengoku also comes running along and grabs my hand, he says something in Japanese and turns to me with an owl-like smile. "Mama and papa let you staY with us!" He says with a tiny voice crack, "oh my, Kyojuro careful you might pull her hand too hard" the goddess speaks. "I'm Ruka, and this is Shinjuro" the goddess signaled to her low-life husband, the low-life just stayed quiet and with a smile. "Papa never learned English! He said he was tao lazy!" Rengoku says, Ruka looked at the low life like he left the toilet seat up.

Shinjuro nervously laughed, "Well, L/n. We're going to cook dinner, Kyojuro will help you get ready!" The goddess spoke again. 'Bro please I don't wanna wear a kimono' I thought. Rengoku asks his parents in Japanese again and runs out of the room while the two adults walk out, Ruka and Shinjuro laughed before Rengoku left so I was left dumbfounded. 'WAIT I DIDN'T EVEN SPEAK TO THE GODDESS FUCK' I thought in disappointment.


Time skip


I walk to the dining area with Kyojuro (aka me following him like a lost puppy by holding a bit of his Yukata), 'wait. I'm wearing Rengoku's Yukata..' I realized. "Weere here! Mama! Papa!" Rengoku says grabbing my hand and dragging me with him to his parents, they greeted us and told Rengoku to guide me to the dining table. I think that's what they said.

I sat next to him, I'm usually loud and occasionally obnoxious. But I don't wanna be rude in front of these hot babes.

Once we began eating, I noticed something about Ruka. She was pregnant! 'Oh shit Senjuros on the way?!' I gasp a bit at how big her stomach was, well she was a bit bigger than Jay's stomach. I hear a giggle next to me, "Mama'z having a babby next month! We're callin him Senjuro!" He said excitedly. I only nod with a smile, 'I MUST PROTECT THE FUTURE BBY BOY.' "Senjuro and I will beconm hashiras together!" He says spitting some food onto 'my' clothing. "Oh! Sorry!" He quickly wipes it away before continuing his dream of becoming a hashira.

'Too bad Senjuro can't do Flame breathing..'.


Mini Time skip, bedtime


'I wonder where I'm going to sleep tonight..' I wonder, I hear a russle on my right. I turn my way to the noise, it was Rengoku getting an extra pillow? "Rengoku-san, what are you doing..?" I say nervously, "You arw sleeping with me!" 'Wait what.' I thought with a dumb-founded face. Ruka enters the room and pats my head, "L/n dear, we have now extra beds or rooms right now. In the morning Shinjuro will clear a room and place a bed there, do you mind sleeping with Kyojuro tonight?" She says. "Uh! Y-yes" 'FUCK I STUTTERED-' she smiles at me before walking up to Kyojuro and kissing him on the forehead, they exchanged words in Japanese all I could understand was 'okay?' Or 'Yes mom!'.

As Ruka exits the room, Rengoku grabs my hand and leads me to his desk. It was covered in papers on how to learn Japanese and English, and he giggles and clears his throat. "You can call me Kyojuro! I think your smile is very pretty!" I cringe at the compliment of my smile, 'I look ugly af when I smile wtf man.' "Ok Kyojuro, you can call me Y/n," I say straightforwardly.



He tackles me into a side hug, "I have a brand new friend!!" 'Bruh did I just get friend zone by a kid leading me on?'.


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