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Diane's POV

the next day we went to Miramar for top gun training

we walked into the classroom, we got stares and whispers as we went to an open seat at the front of the class

Pete's POV

Goose hits my arm and i look up to see two girls walking to the open seat down the row from us

i guess we were staring because the redhead waved at us, we both awkwardly smiled and looked to the front of the class

"that redhead" Goose commented i laughed a little

Diane's POV

me and Michelle snickered at the two guys that were staring at us

"the one with the mustache is kinda cute don't you think" i asked her "i guess, the darker hair one is cuter" she replies i just smiled at her

one of the commanders walked in and talked to us about A.C.M (air combat maneuvering) and then brought in commander Mike "VIPER" Metcalf

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you are the top one percent of all naval aviators... the elite, the best of the best, we'll make you better. You'll fly at least 2 combat missions a day, attend classes in between, and evaluations of your performance. now, in each combat sequence you're gonna meet a different challenge, every encounter is going to be much more difficult. we're gonna teach you to drive the F-14 right to the edge of the envelope, faster than you've ever flown before... and more dangerous" the commander says "more dangerous than you already are, help me god" Michelle whispers to me, i rolled my eyes at her

Commander Metcalf continued talking and we all listened

"in case some of you wonder who's the best is, they're up here on this plaque on the wall" Commander Metcalf finished and i smirked knowing me and Michelle were on there

"you think your name's gonna be on that plaque?" Commander Metcalf asked us "yes sir" me and one of the guys that were looking at us say in unison we looked over at each other with the same smirk

"that's pretty arrogant considering the company you're in" Commander Metcalf adds "yes sir" we both say again "i like that in a pilot, remember when it's over out there, we're all on the same team. This school is about combat, there are no points for second place. Dismissed"

everyone gets up to check the plaque "the plaque for alternates is in the ladies room" another pilot says one of the pilots starts hysterically laughing which made me giggle with Michelle "oh jesus, oh you kill me you really do" he laughs out "no no no there's two O's in Goose boys"

Lost that lovin' feeling - Nick BradshawWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu