chapter 1

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I woke up feeling lightheaded. Suddenly I saw a hand in front of me with a bowl of pepper soup, seriously who gives pepper soup to someone with a pounding headache. Ahhh
I took it tho and drank from it. Wait, it's actually delicious. I drank from it and chewed on the bits and pieces of fish and meat along the way of the hot and peppery soup. After I was done I felt way better, heck, I could even fly a plane right now. At that point a foreign voice cleared their throat signaling their presence. I looked up and with a calm voice I said "this soup is delicious but who the heck gives pepper soup to a total stranger because I don't know you. Where I'm I. Who are you and what I'm I doing here" it was then the panic came. Like my stupid brain didn't notice I was in a foreign room.
He replied with a cool voice "I'm Jayden. I saw you at the bar drinking" my reply was monotone "oh". He continued talking tho, because what he said next pulled the rug from under my feet. "I brought you here because you where almost drugged" say what now, drugged? "What do you mean" I asked.  "I was having a solitary drink when I saw you wasted and dancing, I noticed a man next to you he looked suspicious and he slipped something into the drink you where holding in your hand while dancing" he said.
I couldn't hold back the expression of shock, I had goosebumps, oh my goodness I almost got drugged. "I bumped into you and spilled the drink by accident tho, I couldn't care if you got drugged" he continued. 
And here I was thinking he was my night in shining amor, so much for thinking he actually wanted to save me. "So why did you bring me to your house then if you couldn't care a girl was about to be drugged"? curiosity gets the best of me to ask. He stared at me while frowning and said "you fell asleep on me after yelling at me for pouring your drink". Oh my bad hehe. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience I've caused" I apologise. He shakes his head meaning it's okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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