Yandere Villains Headcanon

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Requested by user shelenha with a special guest appearance from Phobos! Also i wanna note that i like to imagine Sheriff's actual first name is just "Sheriff". idk, it just makes me giggle.

CW// stalking, manipulation, borderline abuse, and the usual for MadCom


You are lord of the world.

The great God Emperor Phobos is your one and only beloved, and you are his one and only. You are treated like royalty among the citizens of Nexus City, your word being just as powerful as Phobos'. Though you technically have no actual control over the Nexus facility, anything you ask will immediately be put into place as refusal of any kind will result in elimination. By this point, Phobos doesn't even need to lift a finger. The agents and scientists will all turn on each other merely out of fear of what could happen to them.

Phobos himself coddles you to an almost overbearing extent. He never lets you leave his side, you are either within his line of sight or directly touching him in some way. You think the only time he doesn't know what you're doing is when he's asleep. Assuming of course he didn't watch you fall asleep before he did. But why wouldn't you want to be under his watchful eye? It's not like you talk to anyone else anyways, or even look at them. Yes.. you've been dubbed "The Blind Sovereign" by the Nexus citizens. When you are within the line of sight of others, you are draped with a vale of your chosen colour, your eyes blindfolded. Phobos had declared it. You are not to look at others, and others are not to look at you. 

You are however, still allowed all manner of gifts. You may have whatever you want, whenever you want. Even if it doesn't exist at the moment, the nexus scientists will quickly make it into existence for you. When he becomes god, Phobos promises you there will be NO limitations. He would be able to control the fabric of reality after all, whatever you want, he'll will it. There are some things however, that he will not allow you to know. Who the Employers are, what The Other Place is, and what the Nexus Core is for is forbidden for you. However, you have gotten whispers.. in the night, a scientist will come and talk from the other side of the door, assuming you're awake to hear it. You don't know who he is, just that he speaks eloquently, and one day suddenly stopped. You suspect Phobos had something to do with it, but you can't ask him. If you did, he would know you speak to others when he is asleep, when he trusts you to be asleep as well. 

He may be yours, but you are no stranger to "training". You get it less severe than his subjects, who normally die. Anything he deems as "bad behavior" warrants solitary. Locked in a room, in a tower made specifically for this purpose. It is a simple room, yet feels like it was decorated for a child. There's enough room for your hobbies, your likes and such, but you are still alone. Phobos himself has left you there for days, with only one meal a day served though a dumbwaiter. You've heard from the scientist at the door that on these days Phobos is his most agitated and twitchy. Murdering people for even dare uttering your name. Weather out of anger over you, or stress of not having you with him, it's hard to tell.

Needless to say, you've been in this tower longer than you think you're supposed to be. You remember hearing a commotion downstairs, but it was difficult to hear, you're so far away. The food stopped for a couple days before quickly picking back up. It's tempting to send a note down with your plates to ask whoever send the food what those sounds were. They sounded like gunshots. How much longer will you be stuck up here?

Where is Phobos? He should've been back by now...


Even before the confession, he was always watching and protecting you. Making sure everything in your life was perfect and happy. In those days, you would look behind you and see stop signs in places they shouldn't be. Which was nearly everywhere that wasn't the corner of a sidewalk. You know now it was this silly little clown following you everywhere. Your every move, what buildings you'd go into, who you'd talk to, where you lived, worked, your favorite fast food joint... Back then he'd leave gifts for you. Creepy honestly, you'd mention how you were wanting a particular fast food burger; 15 minutes later, you'd get a knock on your door with your favorite menu item on the steps. That same stop sign across the street from you.

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