SQ Showing Affection HC's

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here is my general headcanons on how each character from SQ (so main 4) will show their affection to you- their so! I apologize if there are bad, i'm sorta new to this ;~; 

villains will be coming soon.



Affection is new to Hank so he struggles with it a bit. He never quite says or does things 100% correctly. Sometimes things sound WAY better in his head than they actually are. Still, that's kinda why you love him. He shows it in his own Hank sorta way.

He'll often bring you "gifts", Usually well made weaponry. From firearms to swords, you've been given a plethora of tools used solely for killing and maiming. Most are new, however, he won't just pick up any ol' pistol and give it to you, it's gatta be special!

He's not very touchy tho, he'll never embrace or kiss you first. A drawback, but at least he'll never run away or refuse when you give him affection. He'll always take it wholeheartedly. However, he makes up for it in his willingness to do anything- yes ANYTHING you ask of him. Murder, theft, kidnapping are things that come to his mind, but he will always go on picnics or movie dates with you. It doesn't have to be a gruesome request.


Sanf has gotten around a bit before he fell for you, so he knows exactly how to care for someone. He makes sure to learn about your likes and dislikes quick to better treat you right. When you're down, he'll make you your favorite meal or put on your favorite show/movie. He's always careful to not upset you, because he loves you more than anything, which means you deserve more than everything.

He'll always surprise you will kisses, cuddles, hugs, gifts, and dates (assuming you like that sorta thing, if not, he'll give you affection in a way you're comfortable/happy with). He is very romantic, but in a traditional hollywood romcom kinda way. He gives off an oddly fatherly vibe, too.


Dei is always trying to lighten the mood with jokes and antics. He's not as traditionally romantic as Sanford, and doesn't 100% remember your likes and dislikes. He slips up on occasion, but always tries to fix it as best he can afterwards. Course when things are super serious he'll tone down the jokes. He always listens and comforts, though his advice is mediocre, he makes up for it with sincerity. 

He's the most likely to want to go out to events or places for dates, or just for the fun of it. Though he's also perfectly fine staying inside, specially if you play games with him/just chill besides him while he plays. Always wanting to prove how great of a bf he is, he'll always offer to pay for stuff (even when he really doesn't have the money, he just doesn't wanna make you pay). Most likely to send you frequent amounts of texts while he's working. Actually, a concerning amount of texts, shouldn't he be focusing on surviving?? While the occasional selfie of him standing in front of a recently blown up wall is amusing, you wish he'd care a bit more about his safety..


Doc is very traditional and grumpy. He won't let you pay for things, but unlike Dei, he has the money to do that. He may be a recluse but forcing him outside isn't too hard, and he quite enjoys going on night walks or trips to the park with you. Any moment he gets to have with you he cherishes, due to a heightened understanding of the threats he faces in his line of work. 

He'll let you into his workshop where he fixes and makes machines to go to other dimensions and bring back the others. He'll always answer your questions about what he does, but he'll never let you see it firsthand. "It's too dangerous." he says "I don't want you interacting with that stuff." like a worrying father, he is. Sadly there's not much time to snuggle with him, as he wakes up early and stays up late. But he always tries to make up for it with gifts and dinner dates. Though dates have become rarer as his work days have become longer, he always makes sure to remind you how much he loves you. 

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