"That's hours from now! You can have a beer!" Muse's fading voice called out before Mary scoffed.

"Enabler much?" Muse muttered under her breath.

"I heard that!"

"Shocking, Dumbo."


Clay had made sure that Bryant got the most comfortable chair in the Great Room and leaned it like he was sharing a heap big secret. "Muse has been decorating like mad around here. It'll be just a few minutes until—" Christmas music piped in through the walls where Clay had recessed spots in the corners for speakers. They were hidden to the naked eye unless you looked closely. The volume was loud until someone, presumably Muse, messed with it, and they were able to hear themselves think after thirty seconds of annoyed looks.

A few minutes later while everyone was chatting happily, the two women came out with two waters and a beer. Handing the beer to her brother, Muse gave him a pointed look. For some reason, Drew refused to imbibe in any mind-altering substances in front of his dad. Muse thought he was overreacting and Drew was being a mother hen about his father. Clay had to agree, because Bryant's crutch had never been alcohol, but pills. Narcotics, to be exact. The few times her family had visited the house since Muse and Clay had become engaged officially, Bryant hadn't even looked thirsty for a drop. He'd drunk beer before, but because it was frowned upon for people in Narcotics Anonymous to drink or take drugs, he went full cleanse and stopped even the occasional beer while watching the Rays play on television. Even though the older man wasn't complaining about it, Drew was very aware of all his father's ailments, especially his recovery from drugs.

"I say we open presents now so I can clean up a bit!" Muse took a sip of water and set it back down on the coffee table. "I worked so hard decorating, I wouldn't want it to look untidy." She seemed almost nervous and eyed one of the smaller boxes that looked that it already been open and pushed back under the tree out of the way. Clay and his wife exchanged glances, but didn't say anything for a moment.

"Well, that sounds like a good idea," Sarah Bennett exclaimed. "You know how I abhor wallowing in disarray for too long."

"Yes, my love," her husband soothed, rubbing her knee with a calming hand. "You are indeed a little irritable when things aren't just so."

"Here, let me start!" Muse's cheeks were flushed with excitement as she picked up a box and handed it to Sarah. "This is from me. I sort of picked it out myself."

Sarah gave her a warm smile and took the gift from her. It was a black velvet box with silver lettering on it and a complicated bow that Muse pointed to.

"Just pull that end of the ribbon and it should loosen to get inside." She gestured again, and Sarah looked a little uncertain, but stuck a hand out and pulled it. She was delighted and let the ribbon fall to the floor in her surprise. When she opened the box, she covered her mouth as Muse's eyes widened and she bit down gently on her lip. "I know you described it to me. I just hope I got it right."

The older Mr. Bennett dropped his head down to look at the gift, and she looked moved to speechlessness. "Honey, what is it?"

The older woman blinked, her eyes a little wet. "It's...oh, Clay, remember that old locket I had when I was a little girl that got lost when we moved into the estate? Well, I looked up and down the entire house trying to find it, an—"

"Love, don't you mean you had the maid do that?"

"Yes, yes, of course, Clayton. You knew what I meant. Don't interrupt me."

Clay Jr. sat back a little and let his wife continue.

"Well, Muse here asked me about it, and I guess I was so into the description that she had this one made almost to a perfect emulation." She smiled down on the box and took the delicate golden chain with the small heart-shaped locket, holding it up to the light. It was amazing that something as frail-looking as this was initially intended for a child. After she'd regarded it for a bit, she clasped it to her chest and looked at her daughter-in-law, whose expectant face was hopeful. "Dear, sweet Muse, this is the most thoughtful and moving gift I think I've ever received. I...I want to thank you, sweetheart. I have no words."

Charlie Foxtrot (Book 2 of Love is War Series)Where stories live. Discover now