Junior year!

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Kirishima pov

"I moved back to Tokyo . My mother got a different job in Tokyo . Im gonna miss my friends from Fukuoka but I have their phone numbers at least. UA high seems really nice and I also got in. I heard Mina goes there. Im super excited to see her and maybe meet her friends. I spike up my hair with gel since I think it looks weird and unmanly down."

"I grabbed my bag and a piece of toast and walked out the door. I'm a bit nervous but mostly excited because I'm more of a social person now. I stood outside the school and sighed. I saw Mina and two other boys. I ran to her. "MINA!!" I yelled out loud jumping on top of her. "what the he... KIRISHIMA OMG!!!" She yells out loud and gives me a big hug."

"Alright get off of me now you big bitch." She says pushing me off. "Oh haha sorry." I say getting up and helping her up. "Wow you look so fucking different, your hair and you grew you big hoe." she says. "Oh yeah hahah so who are these two?" I asked. "Oh this is kaminari and the one with black hair is sero." She said while pointing at them. I waved at them and they waved back. "Well I'm kirishima i used to live here but I moved away in 8th grade, and I came back and also; me and mina have known each other since 3rd grade so yeah." I said"

"So bakugo goes here hmm." She whispers while poking my shoulder. "bakugo..." I say biting my lip nervously. "Do you think he evens remembers me." I say nervously. "Maybe and if he doesn't I mean you can act like a new person to him." She says. "Oh true haha, just say that im like a new guy in your friend group and tell kaminari and sero to keep it a secret and he probably forgot the name kirishima anyways." I say quietly to mina."

Bakugo pov

"I walk to school alone as usual. I see deku and uraraka holding hands. Man that nerd. I'm surprised he even got a girlfriend. She is probably the top in that relationship and she probably pegs his ass anyways. I roll my eyes at them and deku blushes while pink cheeks waves and smiles. Tch nerds."

"I see raccoon eyes, emo, and pikachu and a random red hair boy with them. Shit he's tall. Like a couple inches taller than me at least. I walk a bit closer to them to see him. I see him smiling with his sharp ass teeth. Damn"

"His hair is pretty shitty though pfft."

"Hey raccoon eyes is this your boyfriend hm?" I say in a teasing way. "No this is actually kirishima he's new here he just moved." She said side eyeing him. Kirishima."

"geez that name sounds so familiar but I think I'm just imagining things. "Yeah I'm eijiro kirishima." He says holding his hand out. I look down at his hand and take it looking back at him. "Katsuki bakugo.." I say while he shakes my hand."

"Hey me and sero are gonna go to class now see you guys later." Pikachu says while pulling emo away from us. "I'm gonna go with them ok kirishima." She says. I watched her walk away, then  I looked at the taller boy in front of me. "so uh baku-.." "your hair is shitty." I said interrupting him." "Well I think I look cool man." He said while rubbing the back of his neck."

"Whatever shitty hair." I say walking away slightly touching his arm with my shoulder." Tch."

Time Skip to first period

"I walk into first period which is chemistry which I'm actually really good at. Fuck. I see shitty hair waving at me and mouthing for me to come sit by him. I roll my eyes and walk over to him. "What do you want shitty hair." I say with my hands in my pocket. "Sit with me your the only person I know in this class." He says smiling."

"Tch why would I sit with a extra like you." I say with a annoyed look. "maybe because there are only two seats left one by me and the other by the boy with purple hair that looks like grapes." Shitty hair said pointing at the pervert mineta. "Well shit no way in hell I'm sitting with that ugly ass perv." I say falling into my seat next to him slouching down."

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