A Mall of Demonic Proportions

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Helltaker didn't know what he what he was exactly getting into with this harem business. That was painfully obvious, considering that he had more scars on his body than a soldier in a war movie. He had been stabbed, bitten, burned, and everything in between. But yet, he still loved the ragtag pack of demons (and one angel) he seemed to have attracted.

The day began normally enough, his alarm went off at 6, and he calmly sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at the other side of his bed, finding a sleeping Modeus, still naked from a presumed night of passion. He felt a throbbing pain in his shoulder, he then realized that last night might be why. The burly man got out of bed and put on his usual white suit, wandering his way downstairs.

Lucifer stood in the kitchen, making a batch of pancakes, Pandemonica sat in her room, taking calls for customer service, and the only other demon awake at that time was Cerberus, who was currently outside roaming around in the grass.

"You let them outside?" He asked Lucifer.

"It got them off my ass, love. Do you know how hard it is to make breakfast with three dogs at your feet?"

Helltaker was still wholly unsure of what Cerberus actually was. Was she a demon? A dog? He had no clue, and every explanation he got confused him more. He just sort of rolled with the punches at this point, the demon stuff wasn't up his alley. He walked down the hall, knocking on Pandemonica's open door, letting himself in.

"Work all night?"

"No, actually. I managed to sneak in a nap."

The man smiled. "That's good."

"Yes..." She said as she began to doze off again.

Helltaker chuckled mightily and left her. He walked back into the kitchen, standing next to Lucifer and the bowl of batter. He watched her intently as she fixed it to its thin perfection. She gave him a glare as she looked up at his rather intimidating presence.

"Why are you standing over me?"

"I don't know. It just feels weird, it's always so peaceful in the mornings."

She went back to the batter, "Why do you think I get up so early?"

"I always thought it was because you like making breakfast."

"I'm not your maid." She snapped.

"But, you do like making breakfast, don't you?"

Lucifer kicked him in the shin, giving him a death glare. "I'd recommend you cease talking. There are a lot worse things I can do to you."

Helltaker hobbled away grumbling, mocking the CEO's mannerisms. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, it was on some show about a guy who killed his wife, as usual. Justice and Judgment liked to watch true crime shows, something about keeping their sin senses sharp. He half-watched it, drifting in and out of his own little world.

The other demons began to make their way downstairs, first came Judgment, who was wearing her pajama sweater that he bought her so she wouldn't complain about being cold all the time. Next were Modeus and Azazel, who were talking to each other, presumably about pornography or some variation of the sort. Then came Justice, who barreled in the room with her usual bluster, giving the Helltaker a punch on the arm and Lucy a kiss on the cheek.

The room got louder as more people entered, thought that was to be expected. It always did. Azazel sat next to the man on the couch.

"I'm sorry I missed you and Miss Modeus' session last night, I was asleep. It would've been good research."

A Collection of Demonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن