𝔢𝔭𝔦𝔰𝔬𝔡𝔢 𝔬𝔫𝔢. 𝔩𝔞𝔴𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔡

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"Did someone say rockstars?" Valerie asks, sneaking up behind Benny and grabbing him by his waist, making him squeal like a child. She always found it so easy to mess with the boys.

"Stop doing that!" He calls, pointing at her and she smiles, nodding curtly as her eyes meet Ethan's for a moment as she looks back over at Benny.

"You guys are just too easy, what are you talking about?" She wraps an arm around each boy, making her legs swing in the air a bit.

"Her, Della," Benny glances over to a blonde girl and Valerie's eyes follow to his while Ethan turns to Valerie.

"She's pretty but you don't stand a chance," She turns to Benny who's already pulling himself away from the two and pulling roses from behind his back.

"He's an idiot," She watches him walk away.

"To quote Selena Gomez; 'Tell me something I don't know'," He speaks up faster than he probably wanted to because suddenly he turns beet red.

"Did you just quote Selena Gomez from Another Cinderella Story?" She asks and he nods, wiping his hand over his face and when he looks over at her again she has a big smile on her lips.

"I love that movie, it was like my childhood," She explains and he nods, quickly turning as her gaze follows his to find Benny making the blonde girl he was gonna flirt with cry.

"He really has a way with women. Speaking of women, Sarah wants twenty bucks, she wants chips, she feels sick a lot," She presses her head on his shoulder, arm still around his waist.

"Oh, here," He slides his hand into his pocket, pulling out a few dollars which she happily takes.

"I have to go before she kills someone and before Benny comes back and drags me into whatever this is," She kisses Ethan's cheek before rushing off.

She stopped by the fending machine and got as many packets of chips as twenty bucks could give her before she went off to find her friend. "Give me." Sarah doesn't even look at her friend as she swipes the snacks and starts walking away, leaving a confused Valerie behind in her wake.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It's been a whole day since Valerie saw Benny doing whatever he was doing and now she found herself in someone random girl's backyard with her best friends. She had known them since she got into high school and four had been inseparable since Valerie and Rory became vampires. Especially the two new members of the undead but they had always been close.

"Check out my card." They were searching for Benny when Rory handed Valerie a card, she flipped it over and read out what it said. "Rory- Vampire Ninja." She read aloud as she handed him the card back. It was a cute card but she had nothing to make out if. "I can make you one," The two were behind while Ethan fell towards his best friend, why, neither of them were sure.

"Can mine say Vampire Spy?" She asked as she kneeled over in the bushes, he kneeled down beside her. He told her they should go tomorrow after school and she agreed. They only lived a block away from the printing shop and they lived next door to one another so it wouldn't mean much if he just came over and they left together.

Valerie and Rory had lived beside one another their entire lives, their moms were best friends and even got pregnant around the same time which meant the two were born only hours apart so when they died only hours apart from one another, Valerie hadn't been surprised.

While Valerie continued crawling on the ground like a lost puppy, Rory jumped over to where the boys were, giving them both a fright. "Rory, I don't care how undead you are, if you do that again I'll kill you." Benny warns when Valerie reaches the group.

"To kill Vampire Ninja, you must first find Vampire Ninja." Rory waved his hand in the air as both boys looked at the disturbed puppy grave. "Vampire Ninja-" Benny scoffs but when he turns, his friend is gone. He looks over at Valerie who shrugs, "Vampire Ninja and Vampire Spy don't tattle tail."

"I hate to be an astrology girl." Benny starts, "But Scorpios are weird."

"You're a warlock for one month and suddenly you can read the stars."

"I don't have to read the stars to know you're weird, I can use my eyes." Benny snaps back before Ethan shoves the two slightly when they hear whimpering in the small grave.

"It's alive!" Benny throws his hands in the air for dramatic effect and gets pushed slightly by Valerie, as she rolls her eyes as she shushes him. He scoffs from his spot in the dirt as he takes out the newly undead puppy from his grave.

"That is the sweet sound of Benny scoring a date with Della." Benny smirks to himself, Valerie had to admit, she was a little proud. She thought his plan was stupid, and who knows, it might still end very dangerously but as for now, it seemed pretty smart.

"We've seen the undead, let's go." Valerie grabs the blonde boy by his shoulder as the two disappear into the night.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The school called them rabbid animal attacks and it turns out when Benny resurrected Della's dog, he sort of resurrected every dead animal in their neighborhood and now it was up to Valerie and Rory to clean up their mess.

"I'm scared of demon animals." Rory admits as he sits on Ethan's roof with Valerie. Somehow the two had only made their problem worse. Ethan had told Rory to play a magical flute to bring all the dead animals to them but Rory just recorded him playing the flute and then he dropped the tape recorder down Ethan's chimneys.

"It's fine, when Santa comes, he'll go get it." Rory says as Valerie tries to reach her hand into the chimney. "I have a feeling we have to go inside." She gets up and wipes the dirt off her shirt and without even looking at Rory, she blocks him from jumping into the chimney by grabbing his arm. "We're going through the front door." With that she pushes him to the ground before jumping down next to him.

"We have a slight problem, Sweater Vest." Valerie makes her way through his glass door as Ethan looks over at her in a button up, slacks and a sweater vest that looks way too big for him.

"Was it Rory?" She nods.

"Take this, kill them fast." Ethan tosses Valerie a water gun when a rodent flies at her from the window as she sprays it. "Why did you let him bring it here?" Something jumps on her back as Ethan sprays it, soaking her t-shirt in the process.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." She jumps when the doggy door opens and Della's dead dog jumps on Ethan. "Oh my God!" She's surprised her yelling hasn't brought them any unwanted attention but Rory had started playing loud music while he sat on the floor and ate a possessed rat.

"Get it off me!" Ethan squeals when Valerie finally reduces the dog on his back to dust as he leaps into her arms. She can see Sarah laugh from behind him, "Get it off me!" She mocks his screaming and Valerie can't help but laugh. "Ha ha, it almost bit me."

"I believe you." Valerie pats his back as she turns over to Rory. "Stop eating the dead rat and let's go." She kicks the bottom of his shoe as he looks up at her. She extends her hand out to him. They're halfway to the door when Ethan calls her back.

"Thanks for literally having my back,"

"Always, Sweater Vest."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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