The End

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Peter's POV
Y/n's eyes open slightly "Parker?"

I sit her up and realize the back of her head is bleeding. She must have hit her head on the rock. I don't know how deep the wound is.

Her eyelids droop "I'm tired"
"I need you to stay awake for me" I lift her through the grate and then crawl out myself before carrying her towards the car. "What's your favorite memory?" I ask her hoping to keep her awake until we can get to the hospital

"I remember once when it was snowing Steve took me out sledding with his shield. I wanted to go faster so I had him get on with me. We ended up going flying and I broke my arm." She lets out a raspy laugh "Steve was so upset. Somehow we still managed to keep it from Tony. He still doesn't know"

I laugh "I didn't realize you were close"
"He's like an overprotective uncle"
I look out the window and realize we're only a mile from the hospital "have any other good stories?"

Y/n's POV
It's been a week since I arrived at the hospital and I'm already really sick of the hospital food, it's disgusting. Unfortunately I'm going to have to stay for a while since I have a fractured skull and a concussion. If Clint wasn't sneaking me in real food I would have died by now; I mean that's probably an exaggeration but still. Tony told me my aunt is in jail for life and my uncle got a plea bargain. It took me days to give my statement because I almost always have a migraine. Since I missed Christmas we made our own Christmas yesterday, Tony even brought a little tree.

A light knock sounds on the door. "Can I come in?"
My heart skips a beat at the sound of Peter's voice "of course"
He pops his head through the door and smiles at me before the rest of his body follows "I snuck in a visitor" he unzips a duffle bag and Niall pokes his head out

"Niall!" I say reaching out to pet him, "he seems a little chunkier than the last time I saw him"
"We've been giving him a lot of treats." Peter pats his head. "Like a lot"

I laugh and take a deep breath "I have something I want to tell you"
He sits in the bed next to me "what?"
"I uh" my voice shakes "well I almost died so-"
"You didn't almost die"
"I almost died" I say giving him a pointed look; he simply smiles. "And I realized I have so much I wanted to say to you, that I wanted to say to a lot of people"

"I was worried I wouldn't get to tell you the things I wanted to either"
"Well what I wanted to say right now while I have the chance is that I love you"
His smile takes over his whole face and I let out a breath of relief "I love you too"
He leans into kiss me and Steve appears seemingly out of nowhere "leave room for Jesus!"

Almost Normal (Peter Parker x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt