𝟔. Who's What?

Start from the beginning

Thing is, you have one romantic soulmate. That's it. Just the one. Just like aromantic people have only one platonic soulmate – a kind of soulmate is unique to everyone. But there is only one person meant for you in this way. One romantic soulmate. One platonic soulmate, one twin flame, one unrequited love – though, those are rare, and painful. The point is, you get one.

Any other relationship you may try to build will ultimately devolve into a mistake. It won't work. It's not meant to, that's the whole point of soulmates. Layla and Marc were in love enough – or stubborn enough – to power through it. Or try to, at least. Their marriage ended fairly early on, but they remained friends.

Until Marc went missing.

And Noor still hasn't blinked. "Are you having a stroke?" Zagreus asks, feigning concern.

She finally blinks and shakes her head. "Right. Right, okay. He never said."

Noor isn't sure she's entitled to feel bad about this situation. It's Marc's ex-wife, yes, but Noor isn't sure who she is, to Marc. Their first and last conversation wasn't the smoothest in any way. They definitely didn't have time to talk about past relationships, of course. Just the killing part.

What she means to say, no matter how much she tries to talk her way around it, is that she's fairly sure it should not hurt that much. "Well," she starts again. "I'm his soulmate. Anyway."

From Steven's mind, Marc's focus doesn't waver, set on her, on her reaction. Until Steven takes matters into his own hands.

"Okay. Layla, Noor. Noor, Layla. Fun. Let's get in, yeah?" he says, opening the door.

Noor makes way for Layla to get in after Steven. Zagreus sees a chance. "You're so jealous."

She huffs, and mutters back. "If you weren't already dead, I'd be the reason you died."

Steven, watching the scene, decides that it's best not to say anything about their exchange, and closes the door after them. He sends Noor the most apologetic smile she's ever seen, before turning to Layla's watching Gus, the fish, in his fish tank.

In the reflection, Marc glares at him. "Layla can handle herself, I trust her, but Noor?" His burning gaze goes from him to Noor, awkwardly looking around. "She shouldn't be here." His voice turns almost pleading. "Get her out of here, Steven. You're way out of your depth."

Steven's face falls, guilty. "I just want my life back."

Noor looks at him, wary. She figures that wasn't directed at any of them, but at the American man he shares a brain and a soulmate with.

Layla, though, doesn't seem aware of that fact. "Yeah, I'm getting that."

He immediately starts shaking his head. "No, sorry, I wasn't talking to you, just talking to myself. Sort of."

Zagreus makes a face. "Well that's one way to put it." Noor hums in agreement.

Layla walks further inside the flat, to the bed. "Uh, this is your flat, Marc?"

"Um, I'm Steven."

She scoffs at the shackles near the bed. "Are you living here with Noor?"

Noor perks up when she hears her name. "What?" She notices what Layla is staring at, and blushes all the way to the tip of her ears. "Oh Jesus, no."

Her Greek god finds this hilarious. "Oh that is so awkward, it's like a live episode of Love Island."

She is so going to have his head.

Steven notices what's happening, and turns red, stuttering. "No, oh, no, no, no. No, this is my mum's flat."

Layla frowns. "Okay, so you guys are talking again?"

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