Ice Queen

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Beth was the first to react to Layla's claim on the unconscious Zach. "What do you mean 'your' Zach?" fidgeting uncomfortably on the hard plastic chair, she raised her head in defiance trying to stare Layla down. She was unsuccessful however, as the glare she received pierced her soul. It was like a thousand icicles came barrelling down at her without mercy. Beth lowered her head but did not avert her eyes, she stared in silent defiance at what she could only describe as a fallen angel.

Layla paid her no attention and swivelled on her heels towards her older brother Nate. The clash of siblings was unlike anything Beth had ever laid eyed upon; it was like a scene straight out of Narnia. The Ice Queen vs The Lovable Lion. Her army of hail and lightning seemed to whip behind her, it was like she had so much power she couldn't contain it. But Nates power rivalled it, cheers of fans as their favourite sports team won echoed, the stampeding footsteps charged at Layla's hail and locked against it.

To anyone on the outside it was just two teens staring at each other and one young adult cowering in on herself, wrapped in a ball to conserve heat; but to the three of them it was a war to rival the history books. Their perception of time and space unravelled as they stood there staring. It wasn't until a sharp cough from behind frightened Beth so much she yelped and Nate broke Layla's stare to see if she was okay.

As he turned, he saw a man in his early 50s, with bags under his eyes, holding a clipboard staring at the three of them, it was obvious he had been there for a while, as he'd dropped his clipboard to his side, letting it rest against the neatly ironed hems of his grey trousers, and he had his other hand in his pocket. "Are you the family of Mr Zach West?" The doctor inquired as he stared at them all in turn, Nate assumed making an internal note of the tension in the air. Calmly, Nate realised that if they said no the doctor probably wouldn't let them see Zach, so he took control and said as naturally as if it was not a lie at all, "Yes sir. I'm his brother, this here is his girlfriend." he half waved, half pointed in Beth's general direction. When he said that Layla let out a huff of annoyance and Beth turned a dark shade of crimson but neither of them chose to dispute him Nate supposed he should be grateful, but he just felt smug, "and this is our cousin." he grabbed Layla by the shoulder and tugged her towards him.

Layla squeaked as Nate pulled her towards him, her shoes squeaking along the freshly buffed floor, she would've fell if it wasn't for his strong grip holding her upright. The doctor looked at them all one last time trying to figure out if they were lying, Layla felt like she was being interrogated as he stared her up and down. She willed her breathing to calm and withheld the urge to gulp, he turned back to Nate, and she let out a sigh of relief. She would've been screwed if he hadn't taken charge like that.

Despite the cold ice queen she portrayed, inside she was just a hopeless romantic who had fallen head over heels for this curly haired boy, who shed never had the courage to talk to. When she looked at Beth, she saw the same lovesick look in her eyes, it was like staring into a mirror, so much so that she couldn't bear to talk to her without the thought of crying. She was nothing compared to the brown beauty Infront of her, her frizzy hair was tied up in 2 buns on top of her head, it looked so careless but so beautiful at the time. She couldn't have spent more than ten minutes on it, but it still looked way better than the plaited hair that had took her over half an hour to get perfect. She knew there was no way Zach felt any affection for her if this goddess was in his life, but she wouldn't let that stop her.

She was pulled out of her trance, as the doctor started, "Okay." he let out a breath that chilled Layla to her core. "You can see him now." Beth let out a choke of excitement, "Is he okay?" her buns wiggled on top of her head as she shot up in her seat. "He's fine. Weve deduced that it was just shock that caused him to go under again" the doctor replied, "he's still asleep but he should wake up soon so you will want to hurry if you want to be there when he does." Nate, Layla and Beth all locked eyes, smiles blossoming on their faces. The doctor turned to leave, but stopped and threw his head over his shoulder, in turn sending them all an icy glare, "No running in the halls." giving them all one final look over he nodded, deeming his warning acceptable enough and hurried off to what they presumed was another family waiting for news on their loved ones.

Beth and Layla set off down the corridor at a brist pace, but paused when they realised Nate wasn't with them, "Nate you're coming aren't you?" Layla took a step towards him as he flopped down in the chair Beth had just vacated. His head lolled into his hands, and he sniffed, trying to hold back his tears he looked back up at Beth, "It was my fault."

"Oh Nate, don't say that." She stared at him sympathetically, then looked over to Layla for help. If they were siblings, she should know what to do; but she looked just as hopeless as Nate. "Nate, it wasn't your fault, what happened was just a coincidence." Beth walked over and sat down beside him, Layla following suit. "No. It is." Zach stared at her combatively "If I hadn't fucked that girl, she would never have left her hoodie-" Layla cut him off.

"If it's anyone's fault its mine!" She demanded "If me and my friends weren't late that morning, he would never have run into us, and they never would've thrown coffee on them."

Beth didn't know what was going on but despite her plan to take control of the situation she sat back in her seat; she knew they had to come to terms with this one way or another.

"Just because your friends spilled coffee on him doesn't make it your fault." Nate slammed his hand on the table, "I stupidly gave him Jessica's hoodie because i wanted an excuse to talk to him more.

"Yes, but I also asked you to give him my number." Beth was taken aback by Layla's argument so much so that she butted in-between both of them. "Screw not getting involved" Layla and Nate stared confused, but she just waved them off, it wasn't important anyway, "Bickering over whose fault it won't help anyone. Zach is laying in that hospital room probably awake now, scared and alone. We're his friends we need to be there for him." She stared them both down, where this confidence had come from, she had no clue; she did not mind at all. "Now, I'm going over there right now to check on him because I don't want him to be alone. You can either come with or sit here bickering; choose now." She stood up and scrunched her fists at her side. "Well? Are you coming or not?" She walked away not caring if they were behind her.

Beth finally stopped when she got to his door, she brushed looked over her shoulder, to see if the siblings were behind her and they were, they both had the same determined look she was sure was mirrored on her face, so she turned back round.

She lifted her hand up and held it barely an inch from the door. She didn't want to knock, what if he was still asleep? What if he resented her for not being there the first time? "Y'know I can see your shadows, right?" a familiar voice from inside croaked. Beth carefully pushed the door open, pre-maturely flinching at the onslaught of swearing and sorrow Zach would throw at her; none came. She unwrapped herself and looked up, stopping on the threshold. 

Less than three feet from her was her best friend, awake finally, "Hey Beth been a while hasn't it." He sent that shit-eating smirk her way, he looked like shit, but he was awake, and he was the same old Zach.

After two weeks Zach was finally awake.

*Authors Note- this chapters a bit longer than usual let me know if you like this length or if i should stick to the shorter chapters :)*

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