Journey1: Down to kanto March march away

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gold happily ran down the hill from defeating red and meeting his wife, yellow, gold looked at his Pokemon typhlioson and smiled "red said we need to defeat the gyms...but who could help us..."gold sat down on the grass front the cavern entrance and thought typhlioson joined him "Hey! Gold"a voice yelled gold looked up red was jumped off the last step "I had profester oak send someone help you with the journey, he a great pokemon trainer"red handing something to gold.

gold to the letter and read it "also give him this" red handing another item but it was Pokemon egg gold raised an eyebrow "for the kiddo"red smiled a bit gold was still confused, kiddo..great pokemon trainer, was sent help,

*who hell red thinks I am, and weak trainer, I do-* gold thought was brokeN by red leaving to his hometown pallet town to yellow his wife.

"w-wait r-" red looked back at gold who was grabbing his jacket "what he'll you mean by kiddo and professer oak"gold angrily red just smirked and shrugged "oak said he'll meet you in cerulean city"red tugged his sleeve back and walked away sent out his charizard and flew away. "Bastard"gold angerily growled in a low voice and made his way to cerulean city he looked at egg.

"odd egg" gold taking closer look and sighed typhlioson was just looking at gold and seem be thinking.

joseph p.o.v

joseph was waiting patiently at his house brushing his mom's pokemon she had every eeveelution since Joseph dad lived in sinnoh, Joseph was finished with jolteon so it was espeon turn "ok espy your turn" Joseph happily espy the espeon jumped on his lap and purred at bit when brushed right spots.

Nightmare the umbreon was a bit disobedent but it's shocking that umbreon belonged to Joseph, umbreon was birthday gift to jospeh on his 10th birthday but he didn't want start his journey right away but being called help with someone journey was shocking and happy for him.

"mom will it be ok I take nightmare with me on my Journey!?" Joseph asked his mother nodded espy jumped his lap and shook "guess don't be brush anymore, night-"Joseph laughed but when called nightmare the umbreon just walkEd away. "nightmare!"Joseph angrily yelled umbreon looked back and stared at it owner with its blood red eyes with joseph blue crystal eyes.

nightmare looked away and walked out the kitchen where joseph was brushing the pokemon Joseph sighed "it's ok sweety he'll obey you it just takes time umbreon just going through rough time and it's still getting use to its evalution"joseph mom turned from dishes and patted his back comfort him "I know" joseph gave his mom a smile and stood "i should get going" Joseph hugged his mom and grabbed his backpack an called nightmare but umbreon ignored the call.

joseph looked around for the small fox like Pokemon, he checked his room and found him umbreon was laying on Joseph bed asleep. joseph shook umbreon lightly umbreon peeked one eye open "time to go" Joseph picked up umbreon but umbreon growled for deman put down joseph scratched under umbreon chin. Umbreon purred happily but still growled a bit "your going stay outside the pokeball" joseph smiled and kissed umbreon forehead blush grew across nightmare face he looked away and climbed on Joseph shoulder and layed.

joseph ran out the house "WAIT!"His mom yelled out to him he stop he turned his mom ran up him and gave him lunch he took the lunch his mom hugged him and teared up a Bit "don't forget to call"his mom cried he hugged her back "I xwill every town I get to and every badge I earn"he whispere in his moM ear she smiled and let hug go "enjoy your journey"his mom waved Joseph waved away and walked to the entrance of cerluean city.

joseph lived in pewter city.


So what do you guys/Girls think my first story...yes this my first and I'll not make another story i'll mostly update this one. Yes joseph pokemon are nicked named I hope you like the nicknames ^.^

X out ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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