And I'm New In Town

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"I've been thinking of you as my little sister." We where in a field, a field of gorgeous light blue flowers covering the grownd.

"We live together and see each other everyday." The sky could be described as a romantic purple hue above the three of us.

"But I have to admit, those feelings have changed," He kissed my hand as the flowers petals flew by us in a white glow.

"It's not easy telling you how I really feel," his black hair covered half of his face as he bent down to kiss my hand as well.

"I love you," the innocent small blue flowers turned on me, making themselves deferent colors of roses.

"Forever," I was then traped in a hug by the two under a perfect blue sky and fluffy clou- wait—

What did they just say?!?


~~ Straight Outta Conflict~~

Finally, I get to meet my new family today.

A young brown skinned girl was on the tran, her hair was in a small fro, as it was pulled back by a white and pink head band that matched her school uniform. Her brown eyes searched out the window as her thoughts ran with the tran, traveling to her new home.

I can't believe I have brothers now. I hope they like me.

"Stop it! A look of complete lack of cynicism. Ko, 13 males require suspicion at all times!" She looks down to her pet lizard poking his head out of her school bag, he was fussing again. She only makes a face at him.

"I know JJ, It's literally all you've talked about sense you heard we were moving," She walked out of the tran and look out to the streets. Wow it looks so nice here!

"I mean, what in pies name where Reke, and this new mother of yours, thinking!" The girl only let out a sigh and started walking again, "throws you in a barn full of hungry males while they move into a new house together?!? It doesn't make sense!"  Yeah, what he was saying made sense, but she don't really care. She's been alone for a long time now.

"Yeah, yeah what ever," she shrugged before JJ climbed up to her shoulder, "Dad and Mrs Mewa are newly wedds. Let them have there long ass honeymoon. I heard it's what old people do anyway. Plus they're both too dissy with work and what not," waving her hand with a huff of air. The young teen was way to exsided to listen to his nagging today.

"Sure, now putting you in danger scenes like a grate idea!" He cheered, so she spun around to make him dizzy.

"JJ, you do realize the people you think are oh-so dangerous are my brothers now right?" The girl lift her brow at him, but then poused to think, "even if  we're basically strangers. We're not random strangers."

"There still boys bursting with hormones I can't pronounce!" She roles her eyes and keep looking around, injoying the seanery, "And if they even look at you funny-"

"You'll what? Huh? Don't make me laugh," She quickly stoped and picked him off her shoulder and lifts him in front of her face. JJ looked to his companion, only to see her face with a smug look. Her pointer finger and thumb loosely under his arms so she won't heart him, "your gonna 'bring these brother's down!'?" Her smug look only shifted into a smug grin as she shook him a little, "don't be too mean, little lizard!" She gave a wide smile, "Where almost there!" He was places back on her shoulder as he yelled at her for calling him a lizard.

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