What if you were dating The Siblings(male/female/gender neutral)[before entity]

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(Couldn't fit the whole title, Trans male/female will also be included, if I missed one please tell me so i can add it, i want everyone to feel included)

Lets just start off simple

Very protective of you

You won't be going outside ever again, why would you need to, you have them to rely on, you don't need anyone else. Although they went through pain that you never would go through in your entire life, they would still keep you contained if you got hurt(even if its a minor paper cut, they will keep you contained in a room, well mainly Celtic would keep you contained)

The best cuddles of your life.

If your body is too hot, go sleep by Luna. If your body is too cold, go sleep by Ember. If you want to have a cuddle buddy whilst sleeping, Celtic is the one for you, if you want someone to sleep on top of, Ace is the one for you

Love languages

So the way they show their love for you is different for all of them. Let me explain, Luna's love language is licking the tip of your nose and bitting the nape of your neck. Ember's love language is licking your forehead and bitting your ear. Ace's love language is licking your cheek and bitting your lip. Celtic's love language is clinging onto you all day and never letting go of you

Sick days

Celtic can help you on this one, so after they escaped from their og parents, Celtic took an major interest in the medical field, not to cure patients but wanting to know what causes them the most pain, so he will do a lot of tests on you. He won't kill you of course but you will be wondering why their is a syringe sized hole on your neck, arm, and leg, Celtic says that it was mandatory to help you recover, well you feel better, so that's all that matters

Play fighting

Obviously they might be rough on you, they just want to assert their dominance thats all. But yeah they know your limits so they wouldn't use their full strength. Luna would pin you down and use that as an opportunity to bite your neck as many times as she wants. Ember would basically pin you to a wall, hold your hands behind your back and just kiss you, of course until he feels that you understand your place. Ace generally doesn't care, just kidding, he would let you have your first few minutes of victory before picking you up bridal style and swinging you. Celtic he would be the most fun to play with of course, he has a lot of tickle spots, so target them, although, when he gets the chance to get you back, he will, basically holding you to his chest and not letting you go

Clothes, roof over your head

They are cannibals and ruthless killers, oh you needed a products, alright lemme get you some, robs the nearest store and takes all of the products you said you needed. You need money to pay the bills, bills? What's that? Money? Okay, here you go, doesn't know how much you need, gives you 20k. Where did they get that from, next day on the news, 'robber at it again, steals 20k from bank, will we catch them?'.

Ok here's the moment you've been waiting for, la sex

Ok well first, they would not fuck each other, they hate the idea of doing that, although, they would fuck you together though, sorry not sorry

Male lover


You have 4 dicks up your ass, take it or leave it, I'm not joking. Ok if you want more gentler, although they don't see the problem, they fit, you're moaning, you came, are they doing something wrong? Oh you want them to not be in you at the same time, Why didn't you just say so? Celtic will be riding you, Luna will be getting a blowjob from you, and Ace and Ember will be inside you. That's better? (What if you liked them being all inside you) well they gonna make you feel good alright. Luna will be tugging, bitting, licking, pulling, and sucking on your nipples, Celtic will be tugging, and pulling on your dick. Ace will be kissing you, Ember will be staring at you the whole time. Oh and by the way, they won't stop thrusting until they came

Topping(pepperoni please)

Believe it or not, they will let you, Ember might be a bitch about it but Luna will hold him down for ya. Celtic will honestly let you in obediently, he most definitely didn't want this to happen from the start, no why would he 👀. Luna wouldn't mind tbh, if you get tired then she would just ride you. Ace also wouldn't care, would tease you in the morning though.

Female lover

2 holes, 4 dicks, 4 of them. What else would you expect. They would be laying down, (like in a riding reverse cowgirl position) and holding you up and thrusting into you. Luna will be pinching, and twisting your clit, Celtic will be sucking, bitting, twisting, pulling, and licking your nipples, Ember will be staring at your ass, disrespectfully might I add. Ace will also be staring at your ass, disrespectfully as well.

There is no topping available for you at this moment, please come again(you see what I did there)

Gender neutral( I actually need help on this one so if y'all could give me some advice on this it would be greatly appreciated.

Asexual lover

As much as this annoys them as they wish to have sex with you, they will follow through to your wishes. So if you don't want to have sex with them, its fine, just, cuddling and kissing is fine right?
La sex is over sorry

Trigger warning for some so please skip if triggered with s/a, suicide, pass abusive lover, or depression

Lover who has went through s/a

They will, without thought, kill your assaulter, they won't mind if you don't want to have sex due to it, they will respect any and all boundaries you have. They will make sure you are comfortable with their love languages, they don't want to make you feel uncomfortable

Lover who has or had Suicidal thoughts or actions

They have a phrase that they love up to even though they are immortal, and that phrase is "Live Together, Die Together" so the fact that you can die and they can't, scares them. So, will not let you take the chance. If you felt this way over a certain person or persons, tell them so they can make them suffer, if it was self inflicted they will do whatever they can to change your mind

Past abusive lover

They will, once again without thought, kill them. If you have any boundaries that you have, please tell them. If you don't want to be around them for a while, please tell them.

Lover going through depression

They will help you go through this, no matter what they have to do. They will kill the person or persons that made you feel this way. If it is the cause of a death of someone that was important to you, Celtic can bring them back, he can bring people back from the dead as if they weren't even dead

-Trigger warnings end-

What if you cheated

Well, let me put it this way, they feel betrayed, they actually gave you their heart, and you broke it right in front of them. Well, you hurt them, so they will do the same to you. They start by killing the one you cheated on them with, in front of you. Then they kill your family, in front of you. Now, this part will tell you how much they loved you. If they hesitate killing you and they let you go, it doesn't matter what you do now, they won't trust you ever again, they thought that you could change them, they only showed mercy because they genuinely loved you. 

Would they cheat on you?

Nar, they don't even know what the word cheating means, so how the hell would they cheat on you. Although, if you think that they are cheating on you with their victims, they will literally be so confused, "Babe why would we cheat on you with our meals, you know that's how we eat right, and besides, you gained our trust so why would we take advantage of that."

If you want me to add anything, please tell me so I can get to it. And sorry for the 2 weeks delay on work. I'm still suffering from the loss of my dog, and me being bipolar doesn't do me any better, school work has taken toll on me. I will start to continue the Yautja smut book over Thanksgiving break, which is in 2 weeks, so do look out for that. Anyway

Love You All. Miss You All. Stay Safe.

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