2)"What If Aditi Regrets...?"

Start from the beginning

Karan pats yuvraj and points him.
Yuvraj:you know how great his heart is..

Ragini:no it's okay..
Rohan:between.. Let's be friends.
Ragini smiles a bit:okay.
She continues with her sketch. While he smiles looking at her. First time ever he could feel some different kind of peace.
He looks at her sketch and then her.
When the girl comes who asked her to sit beside her:Ragini..  will join us for the lunch?
Ragini smiles:okay.

Ragini closed the book and moves with her.
Rohan looks at the book. Her sketches were too amazing.
Rohan looks at him:karan I think you should apologize to her.
Both looks on.
Rohan:I am not wasting my time but it's an order for you.
Karan:dosth dosth na raha.
Yuvraj:well i think we were wrong judging her but does she know what karan told.


Sanskar was reading business related magazine. Where Ragini was Arranging books on table:I got 2 friends.
Sanskar:keerti and Rohan. I heard it already.
Ragini:I did not ask them but themselves asked.
He smiles.
Ragini:you know we ate fried rice. Even keerti loves pastries.
He looks at her and shows her thumbs.
She forwards her phone:Yeh toot gaya.it accidentally happened to fall because of Rohan. He told he will get the new one.
Sanskar smiles:did I ask?
She nods in no.
Sanskar:it was already old. You did not wanted to change it. let's go then get new one.
Ragini got excited:now..

They go to a near by showroom and gets a new phone to her.
Sanskar looks at her. As she takes photo of her phone in his phone.
Sanskar:what are you doing?
Ragini:I am taking photo so later when my phone gets installed I can put them up on story.
He nods:Haan..
He laughs.

Ragini:I forgot to tell you I got 2 friends.
He silently laughs. This could be the 25th times she may have told him. Earlier he used to be disappointed that she don't talk unless he talk to her. Now she just don't stop. Before she could continue:Arey Ragini.. What will we eat for dinner?
Ragini:I want chole batura.
Sanskar:okay done.
Ragini:I was saying I got 2 friends.
He leans on to the seat with a smile. He can't escape.
He looks at her as how excited she looked.
He drives the car.
Ragini:keerti asked me to sit next to her.
He pretended curious because of her excitement.

She was eating the chole bature. It was a food street where she loved the chole batura and he bends and ties her shoelaces which was loose.
Ragini:Rohan gave me his phone to listen music.
Ragini:he praised my drawing.
Sanskar:hmm.. And?
Ragini:Keerti bought me the lunch. She told its her treat today. And we ate fried rice.
Sanskar:then tomorrow you give her the treat.
Ragini:but I am taking tiffin tomorrow.
Sanskar:get something extra for her or you can buy something extra.

He looks at her.
He fixed the seat belt for her.
Ragini:did you like Aditi before in college?
He looks on. All these years she never asked him. And suddenly why did she ask him this.
Ragini:why are you not together.
He pokes on her nose:because we are together.
She got silent.

He looks at her:Aditi was my friend. Eventually we liked being together so thought of trying relationship but it did not go well and we mutually broke up.
Ragini:why could she have broke up with Dr Abhimanyu?
Sanskar:they did not broke up. Who told you this? Between it's their business we should not bother or get involved. Because it's creepy.
Ragini gets silent and suddenly looks at him:what if aditi regrets...
Sanskar:regrets what?
She just pressed her fingers:uhm..
Sanskar :so what.. It's none of our business. And why did you get their topic suddenly out of blue?
Ragini plays the music turning the music system on by avoiding more questions from him.
He looks at her but continues to drive.

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