Ep 2: Valentine's Day

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Then it cuts to Boopkins protesting in front of an anime game studio.

Boopkins: Make my waifu real! Make my waifu real!

He is suddenly joined by Lemmy and Francis, who are also protesting that their waifus get brought to life. The company CEO is watching from his window.

CEO: Shoot it down.

An "anti-weeboo machine" comes out of the building and starts firing at the trio.

Either Francis or Lemmy: OH SHIT!

Boopkins runs for his life while Lemmy and Francis are shot at.


Boopkins turns to Mario for help.

Boopkins: Oh, Mario, I need you to help me...

Mario thinks, then gets an idea. He suddenly gets Luigi, pulls out a pair of scissors, drags a curtain down, and begins to (rather violently) cut Luigi's hair. He lifts the curtain up in success and Luigi suddenly has a lady hairstyle. Then we cut to SMG4 walking down a hallway, until something gets his attention.

SMG4: Dafuq?

Boopkins is praying to the "anime gods", which he has set up an altar to, with candles and a couple of waifu body-pillows.

Boopkins: Oh, anime gods, hear my plea! Get me a waifu!

SMG4: Ok.

Then he turns away in shock. SMG4 hears a door knock as he opens up to see Hiro.


Hiro: Glitchy!

SMG4 was surprised he isn't in his sad tone.

SMG4: Wow, did you change your tone?

Hiro: Well, let's just say it was a slow recovery with someone taking the role as guardian for me.

SMG4: Alright! Now that's a new life with a new family eh Black Sun!

Turns out, they do know the truth about him and his past, it's just the fact he wasn't ready to embrace his recovery process from the past. Now he knew it was a new start of recovery.

SMG4: Anyway, you're missing out, ever since the protestor just stay quiet in this holiday, it given me enough time for some stuff-


Boopkins is sitting in disappointment.

Boopkins: Aw, man... Nothing's working. I'm sorry, Saiko...

Saiko: Don't give up, Boop-kun!

Meanwhile, a Magikoopa is walking across a road when he is suddenly run over by a taxi. Boopkins looks over in concern.

Boopkins: Huh? What was that?! Oh no! Oh dear, oh dear!

He is instead running to the Magikoopa's wand, rather then the Magikoopa himself, who is in pain.

Boopkins: Who left this perfectly good wand here? ...Maybe it's possible now!

He walks up to his laptop with the wand.


A beam shoots out of the wand, causing Boopkins to fly backwards, and hits the laptop. Boopkins looks up

Boopkins: Uhh... Did it work?

It indeed work as Saiko is standing before him.

Saiko: Wow... You actually did it!

The Awaken Sun Hero (Kamen Rider Black Sun X Crossover)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat