Vol. 1 Episode 8.5:Special Episode

Start from the beginning

You tell team RWBY what VMAV is and you tell them the benefits of it.

Ruby:Wow! You get to do missions and fun stuff with us! I'm so excited!

Blake:So, what are these Grimm Assassinations anyway? There isn't any known Grimm that could be on such a list.

(Y/N): I was wondering that myself. Maybe rare types of Grimm maybe? I don't know really.

Yang:Do you know who your teammates are going to be?

(Y/N):No not really. All I know, each member is from the 3 other kingdoms each.

Weiss:My question is, why didn't they tell us about VMAV before we started?

(Y/N):I'm guessing because it's just a project. Basically a guinea pig for this new experiment of all the kingdoms working together to form a team of 4 people.

Ruby:The main thing is that you passed and you get to do team ups with RWBY. Isn't it exciting?!

(Y/N):heh, yeah it is.

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Evening

(Y/N) pov:

While fighting the Deathstalker today. I promised Ruby that we would go out tonight. So I took her to a mostly nice restaurant in Vale.

(Y/N):So, wasn't I right about you, Blake, Weiss, and Yang?

Ruby:About what?

(Y/N):Last night, when we slept on the hard floor in sleeping bags. I said that the four of you would be on a team and go on amazing adventures.

Ruby:I don't know what Adventures we went on unless you count today.

(Y/N):I bet there will be adventures. So, have you told Taiyang or Qrow. About how you got into beacon and are now in on a team?

Ruby:Not yet, I was planning on telling him either tonight or tomorrow.

(Y/N): I bet they'll be excited. Think of it, all of your family are huntsmen and huntresses. Your Dad, your uncle, and Yang.

Ruby:Uncle Qrow is your uncle too.

(Y/N):Yeah, but he's more of my Honorary Uncle. He's your Adopted Uncle and Yang's Biological Uncle.

Ruby:It's more of a Adopted/Honorary Thing for me as well.

(Y/N):Oh yeah.


(Y/N):Heh. Umm Ruby, have you ever thought about what we'll do after Beacon?

Ruby:Not really. All I know is that we'll be the best huntsman and Huntress the world as ever known.

(Y/N):I know that part. But, what about other stuff in life.

Ruby:Oh. Umm, I haven't really thought about that kinda thing really. I mean there was always that thought in my head. But, I haven't really thought about it since we're 15.

(Y/N):Yeah, but before we'll know it. We'll be on some stage getting our official license to be huntsmen and huntresses. Then we'll have to think about it. I have an idea. You, Me, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and team JNPR start a huntsmen and huntress squad. Basically be huntsmen and huntresses for hire. And while not working. You and me can get a place of our own and settle down. But no kids, kids are jerks and cruel.

Ruby:Yes kids.

(Y/N):How about maybe?


The rest of the night me and Ruby sat there and talked about whatever was on our minds. A little afterwards. We had to go back to Beacon. Also Ruby was very tired.

Location:Beacon Academy Dormitory
Time of day:Night

(Y/N) pov:

I carried Ruby on my back and carried her to her dorm room.

Ruby:Can't I just sleep in your dorm room? It's closer.

(Y/N):Well, There's only one bed with only one pillow. And besides, you'll want tickle fights and then complain about being tired the next morning. So, not tonight babe.

Ruby:We almost there?


We got to her to her dorm room and I put her down.

(Y/N):Alright Ruby, Goodnight. I love you and I want you to get good sleep.

Ruby:Goodnight (Y/N), Love you too.

We both kissed and she then walked into her dorm room and closed the door. I then walked back to my dorm room and opened the door. I saw that all of my suitcases was in there already. I put on sleepwear which was mainly a tee shirt and sleep pants. I laid down and closed my eyes ready for the first day of classes.

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