Forgive? Forget?

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As Porchay slipped into bed be felt heat rise in his pants and face. He didn't want to admit it but, having Kim close to him made him want to forgive and forget but there was another part of him that wanted to rip him into shreds.

"What? No I'm busy right now! Hey did you not hear me? I said I'm busy, now please figure this out on your own or else there won't be another case for you to work on!"
Kimhan was having a hard time figuring out where Macau went he also knew that Vegas and Pete were looking for him as well.

Porchay didn't know who or what Kim was talking
to and what it was about. All he did know was that Macau was a dead man when Porsche finds him.

Kim ended the call and walked over to the bed where Chay was pretending to sleep.

"Hmm Chay I hope you know that I'm sorry for hurting you, but just know that it was necessary to keep you safe. I never wanted us to end this way."
Kim was kneeling beside the bed while Porchay's back faced him.

Porchay kept his eyes closed but let tears fall out as Kim reasoned their breakup.

"Sniff...Y'know I've been waiting for you to explain and now that you say it, I don't want to believe you."
As Chay said that he turned over to face Kim and noticed his eyes were glossy as if he was about to cry. Porchay wiped away his tears away and put one hand on Kim's cheek, allowing him to nuzzle his hand.

"I will understand if you don't want to see me right now but I hope you can forgive me."
Kim stood up, straightened his shirt and gave a glance at Porchay before trying to leave. Porchay quickly grabbed Kim's hand and pulled him into the bed. Kim fell on top of Chay making their faces get close together...


KimChay: RestartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin