Chapter 5: Premiere Day

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My schedule consisted of practice, eat, sleep, practice and repeat. I was so sore from all the practicing but in my head I knew that it would be worth it once the show's first episode premiered. A couple days later it was the day everyone on the show was waiting for: PREMIERE DAY! That morning we had to be there super early to practice, camera block, eat, relax, get ready in hair/makeup, costumes and then the big premiere. "Are you ready?" Alan asked me that morning when we got into our practice room. "Yeah, I'm nervous though." I replied. "Don't be, you have practiced and practiced. I'll be there every step of the way." He replied putting his hand on my shoulder reassuringly. Hearing his words did make me feel a lot better and calmed the butterflies I had in my stomach. "So I noticed the other day you had a Jonas Brothers concert t-shirt on, are you a fan?" He asked. "You can say that." I teased. "Well good because we are dancing to their song What A Man Gotta Do" He replied. "Yes!" I replied back. "I watched their music video and it gave me inspiration, we will do the hand clap that they do while dance the cha-cha." He told me. I was excited to dance to The Jonas Brothers but nervous to be in front of a crowd but at least Alan would be there to catch me if I fall. Alan and I were thankfully last so we got to be up in the sky box and watch everyone else dance. Since it was the first night, a lot of the scores were low (which is normal.) "It's getting close to our turn, are you ready?" Alan asked me. "Uhm yeah I guess." I replied biting my lip nervously. "Don't be nervous, you will do great." He told me smiling. When it was our turn, he led me down to the stage where we got in our places and got ready to dance. I looked to Alan to who nodded his head as the music began. I followed Alan's lead, and kept going making sure to not mess up. When the song was over, I heard the crowd explode in cheers. "All right, Rory and Alan let's see what the judges say. Up first Carrie Ann."Tyra said. "Wow Rory, for no dance experience that was really good. Len?" She said. "I agree with Carrie Ann, but remember to keep your posture straight and to not let your arms limp like noodles. Derek?" Len replied. "Rory I see something in you, I'm not sure what it is yet but I know it's there just deep down not ready to come out yet. Bruno?" Derek replied. Dahling that was splendid.." Bruno replied jumping up waving his arms. "Rory how did it feel to be out here with no dance experience?" Tyra asked me. "It was wow, but I was glad to have Alan leading the way and teaching me everything I know." I told her." "That's a good answer, go on up to the sky box for your scores." She told us. Alan took my hand and lead me up to the sky box where all the other dancers and Alfonso was waiting for us. "Rory and Alan good job for your first night, let's see those scores." Alfonso said. "6." Carrie Ann said. "6." Len said. "6." Derek said. "6." Bruno said. "All 6's for Rory and Alan." Alfonso said. I felt Alan give me a hug and whisper in my ear "good job." Lindsey and Ichabod were eliminated on the first night, they had a low score but also Ichabod hurt his back and wasn't able to return. Week 1 was already over, we only had 9 weeks to go.

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