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The O club. That's where we were at the moment. Music filled the bar. Apparently it was karaoke night, since I could hear people's awful singing. I just knew I was going to regret having agreed to come here, why you may ask? Well all Pete was talking about is how he wanted to get laid by some hot older woman. 

"Pete if you could please spare the details, that would be amazing. Truly." He laughed at my annoyed expression, obviously finding it amusing. "She's right you know? You really do live your life between your legs, Mav." Johns nodded agreeing with Nick's statement. "True, and allthough men seem to believe their dick has a brain, it doesn't. So I'd rather have you live your life while using your head instead of your dick." All Pete did was roll his eyes.

"Guys I'm getting a drink so if you want something, it's the moment to ask." I asked my little group, not wanting to stay in-between sweaty people anymore. "I'm coming with you Mitch. Don't worry bout them, they're big boys. If they want something, they'll get it themselves." I nodded smiling at Leah before Mav and Goose could answer. "See ya later guys."

We finally made our way towards the bar, having spent 5 minutes trying to get in-between the dancing people. "A gin tonic and a Malibu please." Leah ordered for the both of us. "Thanks Johns, I'll pay you back later." She nodded at me, acknowledging my answer. "You know, I just agreed to come here for one reason. I'll get myself fucked by one of those pilots. There's this one pilot that I can't seem to stop thinking about." I chuckled as I took a sip of my gin tonic. "I know Johns, that's why I've seen you look back at Wolfman about a thousand times." She shoved me playfully, rolling her eyes. While I let my gaze wander through the bar.

That's when I saw blondie from our class again. Leaning against the wall, in his white uniform with a drink in his hand, aviators on and his hot smirk tugging at his lips. Unfortunately, he had a woman by his side. I should've known, no way in hell was a guy like him single. He could pass for a model. Leah seemed to notice my silence. She turned to look at me, but all I could focus on was the way blondie was whispering to the beautiful blonde woman next to him. I felt a weird thug in my chest. Which is absolutely ridiculous, I have no reason to be jealous. I don't even fucking know him.  "Mitch! Hey! Come back to earth please. We miss you here!"

I quickly got out of my staring session. "Shit, I'm sorry Johns. I was lost in my thoughts." Leah looked at me, raising her eyebrows as if questioning my answer. "More like, lost in hottie's eyes over there." That's when I realised he had taken his aviators off. His blue eyes staring right back at me. He was smirking at my obvious staring, sipping his drink. I felt my cheeks grow hot as I looked back at Johns. "Can you blame me? Have you seen him? He looks like he could be a model for vogue." She laughed at my answer, nodding in agreement. "Go talk to him. He's been looking at you too." I looked at her incredulously. "You think I have the confidence to go over and talk to this fine man?" Now it was her time to look at me incredulously. "Mitch. You're literally called Player. We all know where that came from. You're the woman every man tries to get!" 

Even if I wanted to talk to him, my chance had passed. He was talking to my brother and Goose, seemingly challenging both of them. "To late." I downed the rest of my drink, turning back on my bar stool. "I don't think so." Leah tried once more. "C'mon girl, you could miss out on a beautiful story. Plus Wolfman has been looking at me for the past hour and I really really want to get dicked. So please get your ass over to frosty." I laughed before sing chatting an answer. "Have fun!"

I know the original plan was to go to talk to blondie, but my legs seemed to have other plans. Before I could even comprehend what I was doing, I found myself flirting with some pilot. I know he told me his callsign and name, but I didn't seem to care enough for those to be things I would remember. Even without turning around, I knew he was watching my every move. "Sweetheart, I could make you have the best night of your life." I raised my eyebrow, twirling my empty wine glass on top of the bar. "You think so, huh? That's a big thing to promise stud." My eyes met his, not finding anything special in them. No glint of amusement, no hot cockiness, no promise of heaven. Yeah that won't happen honey, I'm not following you home. "I know so. You'll forget every other man ever. Let me take you home, Sweetheart." I almost laughed, but that'd be too mean.

"I don't think the Lady wants to come with you, it's a shame I had to be the one telling you she's not interested." I quickly turned around, coming face to face with the model like pilot. "Iceman, I don't think I asked you if she wanted to come with me. Y/n can answer for herself." Blondie, who I now knew as Iceman, smirked again. The hot cockiness and glint of amusement back in his eyes. "I was just saving you the embarrassment, Ted. But I guess you're right. So, you want to go home with Ted?" Our eyes met, and just like in class I felt like I forgot how to breath. His eyes lingered on my lips, before holding eye contact again. I gripped my glass a bit harder, trying to keep myself from passing out. What is this man doing to me? 

Ted seemed to sense the tension and my delayed response. "I don't even need the answer, I got it." He pushed his drink of the counter, and started walking towards some other random girl.

"How did you know?" I said after seconds had passed. He held his lips in a straight line. The only sign of emotion could be found in his eyes, they seemed like a miror through his soul. 

"How did I know what?" His eyes bore into mine, and weirdly enough it felt comforting. "My last name. How did you know I was a Mitchell?" At that he smirked.

 "Maverick and you seem to have this aura that gets everyone instantly intrigued. Him, it's his confidence and recklessness. You defend yourself and play with men like they're your daily toys. It's intriguing, and alluring in some way. I just knew you two had to be related. And since it seems like that's the case, I want to find out more about you." I stared at him, wondering what I could answer to that.

His smirk tugged at his lips again and that glint of amusement and promise of heaven was back in his eyes. 

"Let's get a drink, yeah? I'll pay."

A/n: Heyy! How are you guys? What did you think of this chapter? Was it any good?

Second question:

Who is/are your favourite aviator(s) in top gun? 

Mine are Iceman, Goose and Rooster! :)

Also please tell me if you think the chapters are too long!

Just one more thing: I decided to post a new chapter on Wednesday and Saturday!

If you could vote on this chapter that'd be amazing! Byee guys <33

Ice Cold ~ Tom &quot;Iceman&quot; Kazansky [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now