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Tommy wasn't an idiot. If he genuinely used his head, he could be the cleverest out of everyone. Well, besides Davey, since no one could ever match his brains. It didn't take him long enough to realize Finch's scheme, and he was not impressed. Honestly, Tommy looked like he wanted to be irritated with someone, more specifically Finch, but also looked like he couldn't honestly find a reason to be angry with Finch. Or at least any madder at him than he was now.

Sometime after he returned to the lodging house from selling his papers, Tommy immediately confronted him on the rooftop.

"I know what Finch is planning," Tommy immediately expressed with irritation.

"I don't know what you mean. What plan?"

"I have seen him walking around the lodging house and asking the ones with who I am on good terms about advice on how to make amends with me."

"So, what is the problem with that? Isn't it a good thing that he wants to make amends with you?"

"Not exactly. I never knew Finch cared that much about me, especially when he always made it seem like he didn't want anything to do with me anymore."

"Look, Tommy. He is trying his best. Besides, some of the other boys still haven't apologized to you, and yet, you aren't mad at them as much as you are angry at Finch."

"Well, despite how they mistreated me, they never pushed me down the stairs, have they?" Tommy had every right to be upset with Finch, but at this point, he is using it as, what Davey would call, a protective mechanism or another coping reason rather than a genuine reason to be upset. Honestly, I would have acted the same way if everyone had treated me like him.

"Remember when I betrayed you guys at the rally?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I always wondered what would have happened if you guys hadn't forgiven me for the betrayal."

"Well, that is the difference between you and me, Jack. Everyone forgave you, and only a few actually forgave me, so what is the point?

"Well, I probably would have left the lodging house as well."

"You would have? But you love everyone here. You would never have left, regardless if everyone ever mistreated you."

"True, but that is also why I would have left because I loved you guys so much, and it would have been better for everyone if I had left, but after a while, I would have come back."

"You would have? Why?"

"Well, even if I had every reason to be upset with everyone, I couldn't stand away from you guys for too long. I would have returned because I cared too much."

"You mean you would not have gone to Santa Fe?" Jack laughed at that question.

"Well, maybe I would have, or maybe I wouldn't have. How would I even know unless I was in the same position as you?"

"True. So, what are you trying to say about all of this?"

"What I am trying to say is that you have every right to be upset, but would it honestly be the end of the world if you forgave Finch?" Tommy looked at me with an expression of uncertainty. Finally, he responded.

"Maybe I could speak with him tomorrow, but there are no promises we will ever make up."

"Whatever you want. As long as you considered it."

"Whatever. I am heading to bed now. Goodnight."



Due to contrary beliefs and despite it being the word that most of the boys had called me on multiple occasions after the scab incident, I wasn't an idiot. Anyone with functioning eyeballs could see that Finch was clearly trying to make amends with me by asking the others for advice. But how should I even feel about that? While I can appreciate it to some extent, I don't understand it as I was the one who betrayed everyone and frankly deserved it. Regardless, I secretly wanted to make amends with Finch as he was still my brother. But on the other hand, those unsympathetic and unapologetic eyes staring back at me before Finch pushed me down the staircase and how he never came downstairs to check on me, that incident is something I will never forget, even if I deserved it.

However, Jack may have a point. It would not be healthy for either of us if we continued to avoid each other. After all, we used to be the best of friends, so while we will possibly never have the same relationship we used to have, it does not mean we should not make an effort to mend it. Although, that will have to wait until tomorrow. I wanted to have one last night's sleep before Finch and I had that confrontation. I am not ready for this conversation.

The Disgraced Newsie( Tommy Boy Alternate)Where stories live. Discover now