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Author note:)

     It's was after a 5 years where I shown the interaction between Ohm and Pran even though Pran was just Ohm's imagination I want to gave Pran important role in this story.

    In coming updates there would be about Ohm's life style and soon Nanon be also be in part of this.

  After 5 years:)

          Ohm how many times I told you to not stress yourself why you not taking of yourself what will happen if I was also not there for you.

         Pran you know right I work this hard so I can give better life for you and I don't have to worry cause you always there for me just looking at your face all I need to prove My all hardwork was not wasted.

        Ohm don't sweet talk to me know I was trying to say angry at you.

       But Pran I know the fact you can't be say angry at me more than few minutes and I know it's was way you show how worry you're for me.

      I gone near Pran backhugs my pran.

      I gone near Pran backhugs my pran

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      I love you so much..Pran what would happened to me if you not with that time Pran you know right how lost I was I even though of killing myself but after seen you after all the hard time I faced you are always with me.

        Your my angel Pran I fallen love at first sight for you.

       But I lost most important person in my life once than you came in my life gave me reason to live.

             You always there when I faced all the hard time now look at me I was successful and have respect in this society.

        And all I need was to be with you.

        Till I get older.

          I was so lucky to have you in my life Pran just promise me you never leave me alone as you done few years back.

        How can I leave you Ohm when I know the fact how much you need me in your life I also so lucky to have you in my life my dear Ohm Pran kiss Ohm's lips... I love you too but you know the fact it's was I nothing but unreal right.

         Ohm suddenly felt like he having hard time to breathe.... felt like everything around him starts to blurring... Having sudden head pain.

         Ohm..Ohm..Ohm.. Sorry please be fine I won't say that again please look at me try to breathe with me please Ohm... everything gonna be fine Ohm.

          After few seconds Ohm gotten normal, Still able to feel the headache but after seen Pran worrying face Ohm put Strong face to not make more worry Pran.

       I smile at my Pran, Why you say that Pran you know I hate when you say that please don't say that I gone near towards my Pran holds him tightly.

       I love you Pran your my only hope to live please don't say that again.

            I kiss Pran's forehead.

        Just be with me Pran that all I want in this life.


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