"Yeah I don't buy that," Kaito responded, massaging his wrists. "Not enough scars or calluses." He rolled his shoulders. "I don't like liars."

And then, he fell onto his butt, letting out a huge sigh. "But I can forgive it this once," he said with a gleaming smile, "because that was a damn good fight."

Of course, Kazumi was still struggling for breath after getting the wind knocked out of her, so she could barely even glare at him.

"Alright!" Edgeshot clapped his hands once. "That's it for today!"

But even being, technically, dismissed, the class didn't move. They just sat there, trying to gather the motivation to try to stand up.

Only Kenichi could fight through the exhaustion to ask. "Hey Teach? Didn't you say we'd be getting new threads by the end of the next two weeks."

Edgeshot nodded. "That is the plan. We had to be certain that none of you would break the vow of silence all that easily. Since you seem determined to keep up the secrecy, we'll go ahead with outfitting you tomorrow."

"I wonder... who he thought... would blab..." Kazumi gasped out, glaring at Daidoji.

The spider girl returned the glare. The two of them had built up quite the animosity over the past couple of weeks, especially with Kazumi outlasting her in a straight up fight.

"Regardless, we needed time to assess your Quirks and whatever strengths or weaknesses they may have had. That way we, or rather, your sponsors, can construct cutting edge tech for each of your needs."

"Sponsor?" Okami asked.

"Saturn Six will be handling any technological needs this team will have. Unofficially, of course. We'll head to their headquarters tomorrow to outfit you all. And by that time, your base of operations on campus will be completed. Tomorrow, it'll be official. You'll be way ahead of your peers." Edgeshot intended to leave the class on that dramatic note, but Hirose raised her hand.

"Wait... what the hell is Saturn Six?" She looked around, interested if anyone else had the same question. Instead, most of the class was staring at Edgeshot in shock.

"Saturn Six?" Will asked, awe glimmering in his eyes, "The Saturn Six?"

Edgeshot nodded. "One in the same."

Hirose was now really confused. "What's Saturn Six?!"

"Only the most advanced company on the planet!" Will practically cried out, "God my parents practically worship them for their advancements in nuclear fusion technology."

"They're also responsible for creating some of the most devastating weapons on the planet," Rhea continued, "and are contracted by the Japanese government to produce their military's armor. They only make Hero Costumes on exceptionally rare occasions."

"They mine out asteroids to construct specially developed alloys," Endo clarified, "which is why they only use it when absolutely necessary."

"Only like 10 Saturn Six brand Hero costumes exist, and most of them belong to special Heroes in the military."

"And we're gonna double that number all by ourselves," said Yuuki Kitagawa, looking very proud of herself. At least, the class was pretty sure it was Yuuki, as the girl never wore the same face twice, so to speak. The shapeshifter only had a necklace to identify her and she didn't wear it during training.

"Tomorrow, you'll be fighting each other for real," Edgeshot said, "so go home, and rest up. The bus leaves at 9 o'clock sharp."


Class 1-C: EnigmaWhere stories live. Discover now