Slowly opening my eyes, I bent down at the desk and picked up the small phone in front of me.

The screen was cracked as I opened to see her contact list.

My eyes fell on a certain contact name, making my fingers halt.


My eyes narrowed at the heart placed next to the contact name.

A heart huh?

With a clenching jaw, I instantly copied the contact in my phone.

'I'll see who this fucking Eunwoo is.', I muttered with my gritted teeth.

Scrolling down more my eyes fell on another contact.

'Dr. Lin'

Is it her family doctor? I copied that contact too.

Maybe this doctor has some uselful information.

Putting down the phone down, I now picked up her diary from the desk.

Opening the first page, I started reading it.


[1st July, 2021]

I woke up early this morning. Today is Lisa's birthday so I wanted to surprise her with something special. I've saved enough money this week and now I finally have fifty thousand won. I hope she'll like her gift.


'Fifty thousand won?', I scoffed reading.

How poor is she exactly?

I turned the next page to read.


[29th July, 2021]

Me and Lisa were about to leave for hospital together when suddenly a man appeared on the door. I somehow made Lisa leave for the hospital alone although she was asking a lot of questions. I can't let her know about the other loan. She'll get worried.


My eyes narrowed a bit reading it. Taking a deep breath I turned a few more pages.


[15th December, 2021]

I am more than happy today.


Ah........ at least one page where she's happy. I read more to find out her reason of happiness.


I totally forgot about my birthday but when I went to work I got surprised as Eunwoo wished me. He decorated the entire back room with colorful balloons and scented candles. He even brought a dark chocolate cake to cut. He definitely knows how much I love chocolate cakes.


Just a chocolate cake? I wanted to scoff.


I Wanna Dieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें