Hi :)

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Hi so um been quite a minute of me posting.  All I gotta say is this story isn't gonna have updates anytime soon I've been lacking motivation even since the beginning of me writing this "story" I haven't been motivated. I only started to write this story for fun. I've been avoiding this story practically because my mental health isn't doing it's best for the past year and a lots of things have been going on. New house, new school, beginning of high school. And many other things going on in my life. So I've been trying my best to get used to things and focusing on myself more but not enough. My mental health has been bonkers. But I'm alright but I can't say I'm doing good, but it's alright I'll feel better soon at least if I try. No I'm not leaving this story unfinished when it hasn't even started we're barely into the beginning. I'm just not gonna post for a while and until I get the motivation to post in general. So I'm not leaving this story unfinished I'm just leaving it here for people to see and wait until I post again. I've had no ideas what the heck I'ma do with this story I have many ideas but none for this but I'm just really slow so ideas will rush through me and will make me eager to write them down but for all I know none for this story for now. I might write other stories but I can't promise I will as of now if you see my comment in any type of story say hi to me I love to interact with people. Well certain people. But I need friends. I need friends who have the same interest as me. So if you want, talk to me :) Anygays if you have any suggestions on what I should do with this story and if you want to help me out on this story I would love to see what people would like to read. I need peoples opinions on this, it would help a lot. I've always wanted to become a writer but lazy me can never bring myself into trying to improve since I have writers block. So annoying but a normal thing to have. And then again, if you want interact with me I feel lonely at times.
Love y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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