"The new student..."

735 14 30

-3rd person POV- (for every chapter I think)

Before we start Kaigaku is bottom Gyutaro is top their both mean...😎



Kaigaku was running super late to class as he was new and couldn't find where it was, then he suddenly bumps into someone ..tall he falls on the ground and looks up at the strange random person

"Watch where your going idiot!"

He stands up as they meet eye contact

"Why the hell were you standing in the way asshole!"

They both start shouting at eachother really loudly this goes on for a couple minutes until a teacher finally breaks them up scolding them   "Kaigaku your a new student and this already...! both of you to detention now!!"   Kaigaku storms off pushing Gyutaro out of the way

"Gyutaro what are you doing fighting with new student your supposed to be helping him! *sigh* I expected better from you Gyutaro show him to his class and no more bickering!" Gyutaro walks off annoyed.  

They both arrive at dentention and walk in and the class room was empty. "No teacher?? that means I can run off then" as kaigaku has a smirk on his face turning around getting ready to leave.

"Not while I'm here dipshit were in this together" Gyutaro stops him right in his tracks and grab him pulling him into the class room has hes screaming. Kaigaku starts kicking things around like desks, chairs etc. Gyutaro stands up clearly annoyed and starts shouting at kaigaku  

"Stop fucking kicking shit around! its annoying you already ruined my day today"

"Well none of this would have happend if you weren't standing in the walk way like an idiot!"

Kaigaku starts running over to him as he was gonna hit him but trips and falls right on top of Gyutaro theres a loud thud Kaigaku opens his eyes to see he's sitting on top of a guy as if he was riding his- Kaigaku's face turns extremely red as he quickly jumps off him 

"look whos the idiot now" Gyutaro starts laughing and Kaigaku kicks him down to the floor "shut the hell up bastard" he yells back Gyutaro then pushes him to the ground and they shortly start fighting Kaigaku punches him in the eye and Gyutaro hits him in the nose Kaigaku's nose starts bleeding after that.

"what the fuck! look at my nose" Kaigaku starts feeling weird Gyutaro notices his nose if running alot but not with snot alot of blood "holy shit your nose is bleeding really bad" Kaigaku starts feeling light headed as he lost alot of blood from that hit "what did you..-" Kaigaku passes out but Gyutaro catches him right in time before he hits the ground

"maybe I should take him to the nurse" Gyutaro stares at him for a bit as hes passed out "he looks so cute passed out like this" Gyutaro blushes and looks away carrying him to the nurse the halls were empty since class already started he was glad though he didn't want anyone to see them like that and get any ideas or worse start a rumor or something. they reach the nurse and Kaigaku wakes up and looks around him "oh your awake" he turns toward the voice and gets mad "why the hell did you knock me out!" Gyutaro gets angry and starts yelling back

"I didn't you passed out from blood loss asshole!" Kaigaku looks confused then his head starts hurting "fuck now I have a headache thanks-" The nurse walks in and treats Kaigaku she looks over to see Gyutaro staring at Kaigaku mindlessly she smiles "Oh is there something I don't know about you two?" Gyutaro looks away embarrassed Kaigaku starts blushing "why would you say that miss?"

"It started with the new student" Gyutaro x Kaigaku Story (KNY)Where stories live. Discover now