not me being sad:,(

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So I feel like comiting suicide 😕 but I won't because I'm scared of death even if it's normal,also I'm do you get over something when it breaks your heart....

who knows any way the reason I'm asking that is because my teacher is leaving to go teach other teachers how to be a good teacher,and a student teacher that I really like,is going to be a real teacher,but I'm still sad because she made me think of her as like a mother,because she cared for me when I told her that I felt like I have never had a hug before,so at the end of the school day she huged me and that made me very emotional,so here I am tearing up while i right this,sorry about my sadness I just can't hold it in that much.

Just some stuff from my life😅:

Just some stuff from my life😅:

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Idk why this made me laugh tho

I Love this song.

I used to love playing piano still good at it tho.

I come from a Mexican family,they can speak English a little my dad can understand it and speak it a little,
Me and my siblings all can speak English grate also my cousins.

And I love doing art it's so calming to me I also love making dresses in my art they are just so beautiful.😍

That's some information about Me so yeah.

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