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Who was calling his name? Couldn't they see he was trying to sleep? He groaned as he buried his face deeper into the warm pillow that rumbled in his ear, wait?

"Jay!" He felt his shoulder being grabbed and shaken, finally getting the blue ninja to open his eyes. He turned away from his rumbling pillow to see Kai standing by the bed with a tray of food in one hand, and from what he could tell, there were two plates on it. "Kai?"

"Who else sleeping beauty? Food's ready by the way." He sat the tray down on the bedside table, "Get Cole to eat too, yell if you need anything." With that the red ninja left the room, leaving the still bleary-eyed ninja confused as he attempted to sit up, 'Get Cole to eat? Why do I-?'

His thoughts cut off as he felt an arm tighten around his waist, looking down he saw a familiar muscular arm holding him, and looking over he saw his best friend sleeping with a peaceful expression, his face flushed a bit. However, he took notice of the cat ears on his head and the tail that was twitching by his leg.

Oh right.

Cole was a cat hybrid thing for a few days. He groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes and gazed at the food, his stomach rumbling in hunger at the sight. Maybe he could... He attempted to scoot closer to the edge of the bed and reach for the tray, only to hear a displeased sound coming from Cole, almost like a growl. He turned to look only for the raven's other arm to also wrap around the redhead and bring him back to his chest, making the lighting master yelp in surprise, "Cole!"


He wrapped his arms around Jay's back and pinned his arms to where he could hardly move them with Jay's face squished into his chest. The freckled man could hear a light growling coming from Cole's chest and his heart was racing, like he was scared. Did he think he was going to leave him?

"Cole, buddy, you need to let go!" His voice was muffled but he was at least able to turn his head to breathe properly which was saturated in Cole's musky scent, his face bright red. "Kai brought us food, and we need to eat."

The raven's grip seemed to tighten but not to where it was hurting the shorter man. "It's literally right there! Let me get it!"

Another growl.


Grey-slitted eyes glanced down to see Jay staring up at him with his big blue eyes, he took a sniff and could indeed smell food, he snuck a glance and saw the food that was innocently sitting on the table by the bed, which resulted in his stomach making a similar sound to Jay's. Reluctantly, he let go.

Jay could feel the hesitation when Cole released him, but at least now he could get the food. He scooted to the edge of the bed and got the tray with the still-warm food and two bottles of water. He went right back to sitting by his best friend, not wanting him to react in a way that would cause him to spill the food all over the bed. He sat the tray down but picked up his plate and began to eat, but Cole just stared at his plate. It wasn't until Jay was done did he notice Cole hadn't touched his plate.

"You okay buddy?"

He saw Cole glance at him, but he watched as the earth master attempted to pick up the chopsticks, only to fumble and drop them on the plate with a clatter, when he tried again the same thing happened, and again, and again. Jay held back a laugh at his friend's attempts but stopped thinking it was amusing after the fifth time. Something was wrong, "You can't hold them?"

The raven frowned, almost like a pout, as he tried again and then once again fell.

Was this because of the tea?

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