Lynn knew he did wrong once. But now he's doing the right thing. He has his family now.

"Lynn," he looked down at Caleb. "Stop touching." Caleb cover-up cuddling up to his kids.

Lynn just chuckled. And drape his arm around Caleb's waist.

In the morning, Lynn was left alone. Caleb got up early to make breakfast.

"Mom, are we going shopping today?" Faith asked. "I need new clothing, shoes, and school supplies."

"No makeup?" Caleb asked.

"No," Faith smiled. "I'm fine like this."

"Okay, will go once your father wakes up," Caleb said. "Seth, you need anything for school."

"No," Seth scooted closer to Caleb. "Well, can I get an iPod to listen to music?" This first time he completes a sentence. Caleb smiled.

"Sure," Caleb patted his head. Seth smiled.

Caleb made them breakfast. Lynn came downstairs a few minutes later. All dress up.

"You all still in your PJs?" Lynn said. He kissed Caleb and sat down. "Hurry up and eat. So we can leave."

They nodded.

After breakfast, Faith and Seth got ready and headed out.

Lynn drove.

"We need to get you both phones," Caleb said. "I want to make sure you two can contact us when you have trouble."

"Okay," Faith and Seth said.

They arrived at the mall and parked somewhere close.

Inside the mall, Seth held Caleb's hand. That's how it always is when they went out.

"Faith, where do you want to go?" Lynn asked her.

"Any store, daddy," Faith smiled. They went to the mall, going to different stores. Lynn had to glare at some boys. Caleb pinched him.

"Ow, hey, what was that for?" Lynn rubbed his arm.

"Stop it, those boys aren't doing anything," Caleb said.

"Whatever," Lynn crossed his arms.

Throughout the day, they shop for clothing and school supplies. They stopped once when Lynn was about to beat some guys up for staring at their daughter. Caleb had to apologize to them.

They ended up bumping into Beth and Sawyer, and their kids, Chris, Bella, and Noel.

Chris was also starting high school. Bella was 12 years old.

And Noel was ten years old. He's a little troublemaker, worse than Chris, but is always kind.

While the kids talk aside from Seth, who clings to Caleb, they walked around the mall.

"So the kids are off to school, isn't it great?" Sawyer said. "Beth and I need some alone time."

"Eww," Lynn smacked him. "Alone time, my ass. You want to make more babies."

Caleb and Beth chuckled. They went ahead of them and shopped for clothing. After a while, they went to eat in the food court. Seth kept to Caleb like a clue.

"His so attach to you," Beth said.

"Yes, I know," Caleb smiled. "I don't mind at all." Seth ate his pizza quietly while Chris and Faith talk about school and video games. Bella and Noel were fighting over a toy.

"Hey, quit it," Sawyer took the toy away. "Now, no one gets it."

Bella was still a little tomboy and likes to dress like her brothers. Her parents don't mind. Even though she dresses like a boy, she's still their daughter.

As they ate, from a distance, a boy stared. He stared at her, Faith. He thought she was cute and innocent. He was about to walk over to her when someone blocks his way.

"Odin, come on, baby," Odin sigh; he had forgotten about Cindy. She was obsessed with him.

"Go away, Cindy," Odin said, standing up and walking away. He looked back at the girl; he just lost his chance, who knows when he'll see her again.

Faith smiled. She had the feeling someone was looking at her. She didn't dare look. But curiosity got the best of her. Faith only got to see a boy walking away.

"Who's that?" Her father scared her. He's very protective of her.

"I don't know," Faith said.

"Lynn, leave them alone," Faith giggled as her mother smacked her father. Faith didn't mind there parents' relationship. They are both men, so who cares.

Faith loves them both they are good parents and take good care of her.

She does know Caleb is her biological father. But Faith wonders who's her biological mother.

She would ask, but she was afraid her parents would get mad. Or her father may feel uncomfortable.

Because Faith knows she came from a female, not a male. If her father likes men, then how did he end up sleeping with a woman? Maybe, later on, she'll ask. But for now, she'll enjoy her family and this beautiful day.

Later that day at night. Caleb sat out in the backyard.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Lynn walked over and sat next to him on the steps.

"Just.." Caleb sighed and leaned against Lynn. "Faith will someday ask about her birth mother. And I don't want her to know that her mother is mentally ill. Or how she came to this world."

"Well, when the time comes or when she asks," Lynn held him. "We'll both tell her."

"Alright, love," Caleb kissed him. "Let's head inside."

"Yes, let's go we have a long week," Lynn said.

They walked inside.

Caleb and Lynn have a long weekend ahead of them.


It's the second book of "Bad boy in love with the emo boy," so I hope you like it.





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