Pixel Story #1

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Okay, so Pixel is a little quirky. She likes to curl up under blankets, and some of our blankets have built-in pockets for your feet. Pixel LOVES these pockets. So much so we've taken to calling them Pixel pockets. Like, literally, any blanket cave or pocket or hood or backpack or anything she can crawl inside of is just Hers(TM). She has a radar for when you pull that stuff out.

Well! Today, my brother was in our front room when he feels movement against his back. IT TURNS OUT THAT PIXEL TOOK IT UPON HERSELF TO CRAWL UNDER THE BLANKET ON THE BACK OF THE COUCH AND PUT HERSELF IN THE POCKET. So, yeah! Apparently we've gotta watch out for hidden Pixels under our blankets now! XD

Kittys!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ