"Fuck yeah, this is what I'm talking about," Micah grabs my hand and we begin to weave our way through the crowd, searching for dancing. I fucking need to dance.

The music follows us everywhere and I sway my hips to it as we walk, Micah twirling me around every so often. I recognize a few people from classes throughout the years and nod or smile at them. A few guys try to talk to me, but I act like I can't hear them. Or, I cling onto Micah a little more. I don't think I'm fooling anyone with that act though, he's literally wearing a lavender crop top.

We work our way down to the basement and...jackpot.

The only lights in the large room are pulsing colored lights and the chaos of it does delicious things to my brain. The music is so loud and dancing bodies flash and writhe as the lights strobe.

Micah grabs my waist and we dance and dance and dance.

At one point, a man's arms snake around my waist and I let them pull me back into a warm, hard body. Micah has a devilish smile on his face and he gives me a suggestive little nod. Good. The man I'm dancing with isn't ugly then. I can always count on Micah to keep it real. 

The man's hands move down my body to grip my hips, fingers running over my hip bone. I let my body react the way it wants to, not letting my mind have a say.

"You feel so perfect," I hear the guy growl into my ear, his hot breath making my eyes flutter. I push my ass a little harder into him. He takes it and holds me tighter. Gosh, I like a man with a solid grip. 

I look up and see Micah dancing with some guy. Good. My eyes close again as hands trail up my ribcage, spreading right under my breasts. My head drops back onto his shoulder.

"Want to go smoke with me?" He says into my ear again and I feel his lips on the shell of it.

I nod against him and his hand finds mine as he begins to move through the crowd of gyrating bodies. I keep close behind him, one hand in his and the other on his back. It's so broad and warm and the muscles are ridged under my fingers.

God, I love men.

He leads me up a flight of stairs and into some room, tugging me to a window. Everything is still all blurry and fuzzy to me, so I tighten my grip on him and let him help me out onto the roof. Thankfully, there's no slant and I blearily notice some people already smoking on the long, flat surface, having come out of other windows on the second floor. Everything is funny and unserious to me right now, so I giggle.

"What?" The guy smiles, sitting and pulling me down into his lap. I finally get a good look at his face. It's hot as fuck. Literally pure sex.

His long black hair is tied into a messy bun, with plenty of pieces fallen out, framing his face. I see deep purple gauges on his ears. Sharp cheekbones, narrow, dark eyes. A devilish smirk plays at his lips. Mmm.

I reach up and trace the line of his lips, completely enthralled. There's something a little familiar about him, but I can't put my finger on it. I blame the alcohol. He lets me touch him, widening his legs slightly so I fit better in his lap.

"Where's your blunt?" I murmur, raising an eyebrow. My fingers have moved to his sharp jawline, to the indent his cheekbones create.

"Keep distracting me and I'll show you something a lot more fun than smoking a little weed," he replies with a little bit of a challenge in his voice. The hand braced on my back slides up beneath my shirt.

"The night's still young. Who says we can't do both?" I smile, batting my lashes at him. I made a promise to myself to not hook up with any randoms tonight, but...what could be the harm?

Failing For You - Gojo x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu